OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I soooo need to get some girls from you. Love the Flower Hens and the Hona. No worries about mud on them. You should see my Wheatens! Chest and belly covered with foot prints on their backs too!
Was it actually a crow?  My birds get really noisy when a hawk (or anything that scares them) is nearby.  They keep it up until the thing leaves. 

Oh yes. He was crowing his heart out. Even the girls started looking at him with "ok ok we hear you" expressions. LOL

HA! We just had this conversation then today I dozed off on couch and then started hearing this noise. My sleepy brain didn't place it right away then it hit me, HAWK! I went to the window that faces the coop and sure enough Big Boy was standing guard in front of his girls making quite the ruckus. When the curtains on the window moved the hawk flew. Luckily they are protected from above but they won't cross under the hawk to get inside. I went out to check on everyone and saw the hawk go farther away. Everyone was ok but scared.
I soooo need to get some girls from you. Love the Flower Hens and the Hona. No worries about mud on them. You should see my Wheatens! Chest and belly covered with foot prints on their backs too!

I've got some who love the mud :/ they look awful. I'll have many pullets for sale this year. I've already been hatching :p
Where at in Licking. We too live just across Knox line outside Utica.

:frow welcome to the Ohio thread!
My birds are a light brown leghorn, an Easter egger and an olive egger. But for some reason my eggs are white, brown and blue. Fine by me. 3 birds who always lay in their nesting boxes.
Yesterday, 3 birds FOUR eggs. 3 of the 4 eggs were white. 2 of them were laid outside and were not right. So thin and soft you could see the yolk inside. I think they were from my brown layer and she must have laid outside because she knew they weren't good. My babies are still young'ns. Didn't really expect any eggs until spring. From what I've read the issue is that if they're too soft the eggs can rupture inside the chicken and make her sick. Theyre still on grower feed but have oyster shell available all the time. Anyone have experience with this weirdness? Posting elsewhere too but you guys are fam :)
My birds are a light brown leghorn, an Easter egger and an olive egger. But for some reason my eggs are white, brown and blue. Fine by me. 3 birds who always lay in their nesting boxes.
Yesterday, 3 birds FOUR eggs. 3 of the 4 eggs were white. 2 of them were laid outside and were not right. So thin and soft you could see the yolk inside. I think they were from my brown layer and she must have laid outside because she knew they weren't good. My babies are still young'ns. Didn't really expect any eggs until spring. From what I've read the issue is that if they're too soft the eggs can rupture inside the chicken and make her sick. Theyre still on grower feed but have oyster shell available all the time. Anyone have experience with this weirdness? Posting elsewhere too but you guys are fam :)
It is normal for young birds to lay odd eggs every so often. You have good feed and oyster shell available so you are doing good. How long have they been laying and how old are they?
@kindofoddIt sounds like a youngin starting up. I have 3 black copper Marans and I got several soft eggs. I was getting normal eggs too so it was hard to say which maran was having trouble. I got good eggs for a bit then winter hit and they quit laying. They all started up again with no issues.
My Wheatens started with no problems. Two months after I thought they would lay.
My first blue egg was regular sized.
I had another pullet lay little ping pong balls for a little while. Never soft shelled just little.
Normal is relative. Just like people what's normal for one isn't necessarily normal for another. They can sometimes lay two eggs, what might have been a double yolk in a single shell.
I found this interesting https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/common-egg-quality-problems

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