oil spill rant

Actually, I do live in a rural area and we are considered poverty level. It's only three miles to the grocery though, and two to the library.
Gasoline is down about $.20/gal here from where it was just a short while ago.. It got really close to $3/gal for a while there, but now we're right about $2.75. Reason being, oil fell below US$72/bbl today on account of global financial instability and a US dollar that suddenly looks a whole lot more stable than it did just a few weeks ago.

Aside from that, the reason it wouldn't be just BP suffering from their screw up is because oil that comes out of the gulf goes on the open market.. Remember, BP is an oil company -- not just a gas station, as many of us are accustomed to thinking. That oil they're pulling out of the gulf...our oil...the American peoples' oil...is going to market where the whole world is competing for it.

So not only are the US people now having to deal with the environmental destruction that's been caused by this disaster, we're also paying for the US Navy and Coast Guard to help with the clean-up efforts, and to top it all off, we're having to compete with China and India to buy back whatever oil comes off our own coasts in the first place..

Drill, baby, drill? Personally...nope, I don't think so. In fact, I say shut'em down.

Shut'em all down.
Quite interesting!
If you copy and paste the link, it works fine
I would like to point out that although Chevron and Exxon have their corporate headquarters in the USA, they are stock companies and their stock can be owned by just about anybody with the money to buy it. They are not "American Companies" but are only headquartered in the USA.

I suspect that the majority of their stock is held by middle eastern and far eastern interest. Haliburton has moved it's headquarters to the middle east to be closer to it's owners and it's markets. I suspect other companies will be doing likewise in the future, considering the attitude of certain politicians toward industry and the oil industry in particular.

I think it's more about doing what you reasonably can to help the enviroment, not about guilting and certainly not about competition. It's a tradgedy in terms of lost life, both human, animal and vegitable. Sadness for one does not need to compete with sadness for the other.
Well said! This isn't one of those things where you have to choose one side over another or finding a villian. It's about damage control, it's sad for the people and the animals that have been killed, it's sad for the livlihoods of the fishermen that will probably be impacted for many years by this.
Q9, great link! What an awesome idea and wouldn't it be great if it worked. It would create jobs for everyone involved... local jobs as we all can grow hay! The farmers would make money and fisherman could make money...

thanks for sharing it.
I hope that you don't think my post sounded preachy or I was competing
I was just trying to show all the different ways of oil conservation. Im always paranoid... don't mind me

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