OK, this Easter Egger is a puzzle to me. Pullet or cockerel?


5 Years
Nov 4, 2014
We have our first Easter Egger, and we've flip flopped several times on "her" gender. She's now 10 weeks old.

I posted a pic of her a month or so ago, and we guessed pullet. I was feeling pretty secure given the lack of apparent comb or wattles, but just recently she's been developing some curving saddle feathers that might be a little pointy... as well as some alarming rust-colored feathers on her breast and shoulders.

Sorry for the pic quality - she's really fast and wiggly and super hard to take pics of now. What do you think, BYC?

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I would say that's a pullet. My EE cockerels has red, developed combs by the time they were feathered out, and she still isn't red or even close to as developed as a cockerel would be.

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