Okay here are the updated pics of the party


11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Okay well I am trying to do my daughters 2nd party on a budget but still make it special. With this many kids their birthdays I try to really make their special day. I am not too bad at decorating a cake but I have never really tried much. We have Tinker Bell invitations but that is as far as I have gotten. Any suggestions?

Update: I am going to do a TinkerBell Doll top for the dress cake bottom with cupcakes to go with it but now I need fondant recipes please, I have never made it.
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For my 3 year olds birthday last year I made a load of cupcakes, decorated really girly and piled them on a cake stand. It looked great and was really easy, much easier than a cake and all the kids loved them. I'll try and dig out a photo for you. (I did the same for my son but with chocolate brownies instead).
make sugar cookies and let the kids decorate them on their own...make icing by mixing water with powdered sugar and food coloring...add some sprinkles...they love it...I would take credit but my wife is a classroom Mom and they do this...
i too did cupcakes this year and bought a cheap card board cupcake stand and painted it, with cupcakes you can mix it up , strawberry with chocolate, white with lemon, strawberry etc.. i spelled her name with them then did flowers on the rest
Oh another idea take a picture of her or tinkerbell to the cake place and they make copies on rice paper then you frost the cake out it on top it is so cute and cheap
These are all great suggestions, Thanks. I think I like the cupcake idea, and we will have probably 50 people there! What do you mean a cake stand?

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