***OKIES in the BYC III ***

so other than cleaning her out, did you give her anything special food wise?

She wouldn't eat anything, I was offered bread soaked in oil put acv in her water - she was VERY miserable. She had no fight in her. I tried a couple of times to get her to throw up & it didn't work-- I jus don't have the skill I guess! She threw up right away for dh. Put her in a cage alone for the night. Next day her crop was full of air again. He turned her over his arm made her throw up again & that time everything came out & it didn't fill up with air again.
She didn't seem to have anything solid in her crop. Has the same diet & free ranging as the other birds -- never had the issue with any other birds.
old*cowboy :

I caught a skunk in a live catch trap this mornin. I have a funeral to go to tomorror so wasnt real keen on movin trap this day. But where it was i would have to walk beside several times so it needed moved. I went in the house and put on rubber boots and gloves, put on insulated coveralls. A cap that covered most all my head. I looked a lot like a man in a hazemat settin. I walked up to the trap from the door end holdin a 6x6 tarp. I gentle laid it over the trap keepin it between me and skunk at all times. I then gentle picked u trap and carried it far from my pens to dispose of skunk. Did the whole thing without skunk scentin any. Funny i been catchin house cats, so changed bait to honey buns. Coons like sweet stuff and have caught several on honey buns. I guess skunks have a sweet tooth too.

If a skunk can not lift his tail straight up he can not spray. We trapped four this summer and hauled them off with no problem. An animal control Officer told me that and it is true......You do not want a tall trap for this.​
Yes sorry your birds are not in good condition right now I notted mime out early this year and some are stuning can't wait see ya latter this evning

Joe, what does that mean? Do you pull their feathers to get them to grow more?
This Blue Silkie (who transgendered into a male after I got him) is just molting and he feels like a pin cushion all over his entire body. That can NOT feel good.
And chickens molt twice a year?? Or once? I can't imagine how awful that must feel to go through.
Yes sorry your birds are not in good condition right now I notted mime out early this year and some are stuning can't wait see ya latter this evning

Joe, what does that mean? Do you pull their feathers to get them to grow more?
This Blue Silkie (who transgendered into a male after I got him) is just molting and he feels like a pin cushion all over his entire body. That can NOT feel good.
And chickens molt twice a year?? Or once? I can't imagine how awful that must feel to go through.

There are two ways to force molt a bird, one you can switch to a low protien feed for a week, then switch to a high protien feed with either dog or cat food added, Two you bring them in to a conditioning pen, restrict light hours to simulate fall after about two weeks they will start to molt and quit laying. since you do not want your pullets laying before they are shown this is a good method for teh young birds.
mitzi, if you can bathe him and blow dry him, it will sooth some of the itching...
nahhh i don't spoil my birds....
Now why do automatically assume its Carl?.... LOL.

It was Carl now its me but soon carl will take it again.

Im going to assume his birthday was fine. I forgot all about it(I was a bad wife this year). I keppt thinking it was the 25th all day that day so it never dawned on me I had the date wrong.

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