***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Elwood I haven't forgot your snake gourd seed!

All breeds I like that red and white cow in the pic of your hubby!

NaNa check with Al he was into artifical breeding with his big cornish birds. I'm sure he can guide you in the right direction. Him and someone else were doing it but I forgot the other person.

Glad to see old and new people checking back in. Always best when we have a crowd to talk with!

Jarvis wish I was closer I'd sure take you up on the offer! I am going to try my best to pick up a good used cabinet type this winter. I want to hatch out some big numbers of some of my birds.
Evening Everybody!

I am sitting here with my mini rooster on my chest and my mini dachshund at my side trying to lick the rooster every chance she gets. Stella loves the rooster and I am afraid how she is going to take it when I take him to school. I have considered getting Stella her own rooster but during the weekends, holidays and summers there would two roosters in the house and that is a big headache I do not want to deal with.

Shawnee feed makes a "Game Cock Ration" that is really good. It is rated at 19% but that is only the pellets that comes with the mix of whole grains. I mix in 28% game bird grower and 21% layer crumbles. Only a few of them will eat the pellets, for some reason most of my birds will not eat pelleted food. Found that out the hard way when I bought 150lbs that the majority would not eat.
I buy my feed from a couple that live about 1 mile from my house and she charges around $13 per 50lbs of the ratios, it is the 28% grower that cost a little over $14 per 50lbs. In the summer time I throw in a bag of scratch because they all free range so they get the additional protein scrounging around.

Must say I am looking forward to the Shawnee show. Not even showing any birds and I am excited. Living vicariously through the rest of you. Maybe one day but right now I have too many pans in the fire to be able to show birds. My big focus is breeding the ameracochins. Maybe one day it will be a recognized breed and can be shown at the show.
One can only hope and everyone should have a goal in life. I have two, die a crazy old cat lady and breed a new class of chicken.
At least I am well on my way with the first goal and will be starting on the second goal this spring.

Well the DD leaves to go back to base tomorrow
I need to get to bed so I can get up early to spend as much time with her as I can before her plane leaves. Sometimes it sucks when your kid grows up.
I just love my adorable little Chihuahua Chicken Channing, he's a rooster of many names, ya know. I got a big bag full of heavy glazed crocks at the thrift store today for $1 each. They're about 4" deep and 9" or so in diameter and I'm using them for feeders, they work great. Too heavy to tip and nice and wide. I found Channing a tiny one about 3" around with little snowmen glazed into the bottom
He has 4 bowls that size in his cage now. 1 for water, 1 for his All Flock pellets, 1 for his little bit of scratch & now 1 for the Game Cock feed I got today. He thinks he should get "rooster food" like the big boys, he thinks he's big, too. He goes from 1 to the next eating bits of each one. It's sooo easy to spoil these guys haha!
Rebecca, I feel so bad for you with your daughter leaving, very sad. My daughter moved back home a year ago and is still here. She's enough like me that we drive each other nuts but I'd be heartbroken if she left now, she'd lived away from home for 10 yrs before she moved back in.
I'm really super anxious for the Shawnee show, too :O I can't wait to get my Faverolles pair. Dang it but that breed is difficult to find.
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No, it's not at kings, the feed store is just as you come into Harrah on the south side, just north of the park. Look for big silos, cant miss it.

Do you have to supply your own barrel?
It looks great and sound really good for the chickens. That would be about 1.5 hr drive each way for me. If I got the barrel I would only have to go a couple of times a year at the most. I thought of a way to move the barrel of feed, but you may not like it. You would need an extra barrel and move it one wheel barrel at a time w/ a scoop or shovel until the lbs are manageable.

Tractor.. nough said.. Thats the easy way... Or back up to a small hill (you know a okie loading dock) I use my ditch for the motorcyles. Then just roll on one side, easy as pie... Oh someone said Pie i'm going to check the fridge for leftovers see yall soon.

I don't have a tractor or much of any equipment that doesn't run on human power. But I do have a young(ish) healthy body in need of exersice.
No, it's not at kings, the feed store is just as you come into Harrah on the south side, just north of the park. Look for big silos, cant miss it.

Do you have to supply your own barrel?

I believe so
Kassaundra, we used to buy sheep feed in 300 lb huge 'bags'. They loaded them in the back of the truck and when we got home you can shovel it from the back of the truck into another container (barrel). You could do the same with the chicken feed. It really doesn't take long to shovel the equivalent of 7 50 lb bags. Not with the physical labor you're used to. Check craigslist for 55 gal drums. I used to have tons of them we got from craigslist for like $5 each.
Matt, I thank you much for the heads up on this food. I'm getting the barrel full when these 3 bags run out in 3 wks. My chicken feed bill just got cut in 1/2, I think maybe we should pay you commission.
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