***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I'm not sure. I got him from okjunebug. Shee said he was almost full grown. Junebug if you log on: do you remember how old this one is? He is the one with the gimpy foot.

He's about 5/6 months old.

Thanks, I can't believe I didn't even ask his age.
Do you have a lot of waste from your feeders?
I really don't have enough experience to know if you are over feeding or not. We have 20 and 2 50 lb bags goes us for right at 2 months sometimes a little more or less depending on how much other stuff they get.
We just adjusted our feeders so there is a lot less waste, I'm interested to see if it makes a difference in how much feed we buy. I supplement a lot w/ garden / greens / bugs / fermented or sprouted oats too though. We lost our supply of free restaurant waste, but I really wasn't all that sad about it, even though it was free it really wasn't that healthy for them.

I've been researching it and about 2 lbs a week is average for a grown laying hen of medium size. So I'm definitely not underfeeding. No, there's no waste at all since I switched to pellets (to also answer Robin's question). They're actually going through less than the average and that includes 3 almost-grown turkeys. I can't believe you only go through1 bag a month for 20 grown birds. That's only 12.5 lbs a week, only a little over 1/2 lb a week per bird? You must feed 10 lbs a day of veggies and stuff lol
A black comb isn't good. Check his crop, is there anything there? Is he eating or drinking? What does his poo look like?
I'm not sure I can help but I can get information for when the smart folks show up.

Well last night his comb was black. I upped his grit this morning and his comb is allot better. I think maybe I wasnt giving him enough grit because he is so little I was afraid to. I have the smaller chick grit for him. He is eating and drinking fine. His poo was looking a bit runny last night. I will check it in a little while to see if it is becoming more solid.

I've got chick grit out for mine also, I honestly don't think that's the problem though. They don't need grit at all with the starter crumbles you're feeding anyway. I asked June about feed when I got mine and she did say NOT to feed the starter crumbles at their age. Black or purple comb usually means poor circulation for one reason or another.
These little Seramas we got pretty much have a virgin immune system because they weren't raised outside loose with various other chickens, if you've got other chickens he could've been exposed to something from them. It can be passed on your hands, feed, clothes whatever. Nobody gets to "visit" with my Serama unless they've got fresh clothes on and haven't been out around the other chickens for the day. My daughter comes in and visits with him right before she's messed with her other birds or right after she's taken a shower. I know I'm going to get laughed at for it but I'm scared to death of him getting something and losing him. I'd lost a few others awhile back. I've even got hand sanitizer hanging on his cage, it's become a habit I don't even think about to use it before I even pick him up. Just some ideas. I know I'm too gung-ho on contagious diseases, sorry.
Do you have a lot of waste from your feeders?
I really don't have enough experience to know if you are over feeding or not. We have 20 and 2 50 lb bags goes us for right at 2 months sometimes a little more or less depending on how much other stuff they get.
We just adjusted our feeders so there is a lot less waste, I'm interested to see if it makes a difference in how much feed we buy. I supplement a lot w/ garden / greens / bugs / fermented or sprouted oats too though. We lost our supply of free restaurant waste, but I really wasn't all that sad about it, even though it was free it really wasn't that healthy for them.

I've been researching it and about 2 lbs a week is average for a grown laying hen of medium size. So I'm definitely not underfeeding. No, there's no waste at all since I switched to pellets (to also answer Robin's question). They're actually going through less than the average and that includes 3 almost-grown turkeys. I can't believe you only go through1 bag a month for 20 grown birds. That's only 12.5 lbs a week, only a little over 1/2 lb a week per bird? You must feed 10 lbs a day of veggies and stuff lol

We have autofeeders (Gary made) so they have access to pellets 24/7, and they rarely eat every scrap of the greens/garden/grains they have access to. They do however eat every scrap of the insects!!!!!!
Their absolute favorite food/treat of all time, can't wait until my colonies are big enough to feed them more. They look healthy and well fed, they are busily cleaning up the gardens that they have access to right now.

Right now they only get about 10 dubia's each per week (2 a day for the days I am home b/c Gary won't feed out the dubias
) And no mealies yet, my colonies aren't big enough to feed any of those out yet, but I'm hoping in the next month or two they will be big enough to start feeding them out too.
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I'm not sure. I got him from okjunebug. Shee said he was almost full grown. Junebug if you log on: do you remember how old this one is? He is the one with the gimpy foot.

He's about 5/6 months old.

He's probably just having a 'bad' day...however, do take him off the chick starter and keep him warm...he black comb indicates stress.....just give him some time and try not to worry.
Take him off the medicated chick starter...a few years ago, Jerry Schexnayder (original Serama importer) had several young cockerals die....necropsy showed that they had died of kidney failure from the medicated chick starter.

Ok I will try that and make sure he gets enough grit and watch him throughout the day.

Don't worry about grit unless he is eating grain...if you want to do something special for him, I give mine a little scrambled egg when they don't feel good.
We have snow! It actually stuck to the grass a little,farther south(go figure) they had up to three inches!

Just got back from taking Izzy the taco dog and Spaz the cat in for their spay surgery. It was hard to think I am going to cause them pain but they need it done. The Sherrifs office is offering it free plus a rabies shot. They were bringing them in by the car load!

You all were talking about how much you feed,I was talking to friend at the sale and he feeds 700 pounds a week! He has found an Amish mill where he can get laying crumbles for $19 a hundred. I'm going to start getting my feed there. Wife said "fine,but your still not going to get enough birds to feed 700 pounds a week too!" Darn,oh well it was worth a try!lol
If they're eating a lot of bugs that's why you're hardly having to feed them any feed. And bugs are WAY better for them anyway! Wow, you've really cut your feed bill down to about nothing by doing things the way you do.

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