***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Fresh eggs don't peel well at all when they're hardboiled, that's the problem I have with trying to pickle them. How old do they have to be before they'll peel right?
Before anyone says to add vineagar to the water or salt or cold water after they're boiled....don't bother-it doesn't work. I just need to know how long to leave them sit before hard boiling them.
There's waaaaay too many posts to catch up on-whoa! Me and my little Serama boy leave to go have a bite to eat and watch a movie and look at all the posts!
I did get all the wet straw raked around and fluffed up in all the pens, got food and water checked and refilled and cooked some of my Cochin girls eggs for them-they loved them! No one but me is allowed to eat my Cochin girls eggs since they're my babies :) No one but me eats eggs anyway. Instead of giving them away to everyone at my husband's work I think I'll start cooking them and feeding them back to my chickens.
I'm really surprised how much my 8 Silkie girls eat, they eat as much as my 4 LF Cochin girls. I really just love all these guys, I'm so glad I have every one of these chickens.
Good Morning!~ Is everyone sleeping in? Oh how I wish I could have slept in. I am really tired this morning. One more day closer to the weeekend.
Fresh eggs don't peel well at all when they're hardboiled, that's the problem I have with trying to pickle them. How old do they have to be before they'll peel right?
Before anyone says to add vineagar to the water or salt or cold water after they're boiled....don't bother-it doesn't work. I just need to know how long to leave them sit before hard boiling them.
There's waaaaay too many posts to catch up on-whoa! Me and my little Serama boy leave to go have a bite to eat and watch a movie and look at all the posts!
I did get all the wet straw raked around and fluffed up in all the pens, got food and water checked and refilled and cooked some of my Cochin girls eggs for them-they loved them! No one but me is allowed to eat my Cochin girls eggs since they're my babies :) No one but me eats eggs anyway. Instead of giving them away to everyone at my husband's work I think I'll start cooking them and feeding them back to my chickens.
I'm really surprised how much my 8 Silkie girls eat, they eat as much as my 4 LF Cochin girls. I really just love all these guys, I'm so glad I have every one of these chickens.

I pickled several thousand eggs through the years. Dont ADD anything. After you have boiled them leave them in a pan of pure vineager for 24 hours and the shell will be desolved off where all you have to do is peel off the soft inner membrane of the shell that is left. It is pretty amazing.
Good Morning!~ Is everyone sleeping in? Oh how I wish I could have slept in. I am really tired this morning. One more day closer to the weeekend.

I was sitting here waking up, when an alarm went off. I could see my phone and that wasn't what was buzzing, but yet it sounded like a phone alarm because it was buzzing/vibrating in addition to ringing.. . . it is amazing how long the battery on a phone can last when it isn't connected to the network. I recharged an old phone 2 weeks ago in order to look at some pictures in a text that I sent from an auction, since I couldn't remember the precise name of some peacocks. That silly phone is still mostly charged two weeks later and apparently decided today was a good day to have one of my morning "get going" alarms go off.

I pickled several thousand eggs through the years. Dont ADD anything. After you have boiled them leave them in a pan of pure vinegar for 24 hours and the shell will be desolved off where all you have to do is peel off the soft inner membrane of the shell that is left. It is pretty amazing.
Does the vinegar add any flavor to the eggs? This would be a great way to peel quail eggs for pickling, but I am wondering how it would do for making deviled eggs out of chicken eggs?
Wow you guys were a chatty bunch last night! It may take me all day to catch up. I am on my Friday so got to get through the next 10 hours and my 9 years basketball practice, then 3 days at home with my little feather babies. We hope to finish the last of phase one of the "Chicken Condos".

Gave Nathaneal's little hen a bath last night. She is either used to getting baths or just didn't have it in her fight me. She did squak a bit during her bath but she LOVED being blown dry. She kept closing her eyes or turning this way and that to get the warm air where she wanted it. Kind of cracked me up. Of course my 18 year old son thought I was insane when he asked what I was doing in the bathroom so long. I told him "giving a chicken a bath" he said "um yah that isn't redneck". He doesn't get the feather babies yet but he is coming along I caught him talking to Nathanael's hen last night, lol.

morning folks! one cup down and i think i am awake...

Had a great day. Friend came over from across the staet. We done a lot of tradeing,we never worry about money,just trade. I ended up with some more piggys,a mini satin and a dwarf rabbits,both bucks. A pair of golden laced cochin bantams,and a pair of blue-laced red wyandotts. I thought the wyandottes were LF and I was going to pass them on to someone else. But they were bantams so they are staying here! Boy I am fast getting into trouble,I have ten breeds going now! Thats way to many!lol Most are pairs or trios so not a lot of birds but all my pens are full.Oh well back to auction this weekend maybe I'll find something else neat!lol

wayne- do you ever find orps at those sales??

Fresh eggs don't peel well at all when they're hardboiled, that's the problem I have with trying to pickle them. How old do they have to be before they'll peel right?

mitzi- what i do is to bring the water to a boil, put the eggs in, fifteen minutes later, run under cold water, crack them a little at the big end and leave them in the water for a bit so the water can get in by the egg, then peel them, most the times the shell slides right off... i've even done it with right out of the nest eggs-

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