***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Somebody east of us is getting rain!
That means our Prague property and the two leases are getting much needed rain. Should make the sand plums better.

Lost two chicks this morning. They have been on a down hill for a week...tried Corid, antibiotics, yogurt...one was two weeks old and the other was 8 weeks. It happens, but not my preferred way to cull.

On a high note, the CWs are finally beginning to lay again and the thre Cochin hens are laying too.
The girls gave us 24 eggs yesterday...up from 9. So the layer pen is getting back to normal after molting.

Loving these cool mornings...a light jacket is pretty comfortable when sitting on the deck enjoying coffee with hubby to start the day.

JCat...sorry your hubby is haveing heat issues....hope he recovers quickly. Never hurt our children to have that OJT either.
Robyn...nice story and great advertising opportunity! Hope your chick recovers quickly.
Sounds like MacGuyver had a nice idea for a treatment.

Enjoy your Monday!
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DH got released about 1-- it wasn't heat exhaustion. They said he had drank too much water. Basically he has hardly eaten since Tuesday when he had oral surgery- he has had boiled eggs a few bannanas & such but it was hurting every time he ate so he was eating very little. All the water flushed out the good stuff & his body was running on only water.
So now DH agrees when the Dr says 10 days of light activity that he will take it easy..... There is a reason our bodies need time to heal & rest.
Woke the girls about 8 & they are big grumpy bears. I wanted to do some garden work but think we will take easy today & hope they are not so cranky tomorrow.
I updated my tapatalk app & it still isn't working! Anyone else able to use the app?
Morning Okies!
Met with bfrancis on his way to Newcastle auction. I am now the proud owner of a pair of his gorgeous blue Ameracaunas. Yay!

It was great meeting you and your DH too...hope you guys continue to like them. (Thanks for helping sell the bunny too!)

This was to jfrancis as he mentioned some buckeyes. IDK how to work this forum thng too well. Thanks.

you have some Buckeyes??? Information please...

BFrancis does have Buckeye's, you might want to send him a PM move your mouse over his user name, you see the drop down arrow, that will give you the option to send a private message, many of us miss things posted on the forum for us but a PM will get to him very well. You should be well pleased with his birds he does work hard on them and knows them well.

Carl, Thanks! You have said it well, for me anyway...I don't always go back and check old posts...so PMs work great.

Lynnae1, I could talk buckeyes for days, when it comes to those birds birds "some info" is hard for me, lol. If you would like to send a PM or even email me at [email protected] Then I could answer any specifics you may have. DGibson is raising them now too.

Speaking of buckeyes, this spring, my foundation roo passed...but, had given some some buckeyes to another BYCer last fall out of that roo. Saturday at the auction he gave me a Roo back that looks exactly like his sire that had passed! You talk about a great day! Havinfun, Thanks again for letting him come back home.

Also Saturday, a broody hen hatched two chicks...buckeyes seem to be great mothers.

Had a blast Saturday visiting with everyone at the NEWCASTLE AUCTION! Scoots and Jamie, as always, was a blast and very well organized! (DW said not to bring home anymore cages, lol)

Just for a plug here, my on-line friends, you don't have to wait until once a year at POOPS to visit, Come to the NEWCASTLE auction, They sit tables up in the back for the BYCers to visit, they have great food, clean organized facilities. You don't have to buy or sell to come join the fun...be warned that there enough enablers, you prob will be bring something home! If you are new to the board, when you show up, just ask the nice lady (Jamie) that gives you bidder's numbers where all the BYCers are sitting, she will point them out...don't be afraid, come up and introduce yourselves! Pull up a chair and chat. Can't use distance as an excuse either....I live just South of Tulsa.

1st and 3rd Saturdays. Check in at noon, Sale starts at 5pm. Hope to see you all there soon!
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DH got released about 1-- it wasn't heat exhaustion. They said he had drank too much water. Basically he has hardly eaten since Tuesday when he had oral surgery- he has had boiled eggs a few bannanas & such but it was hurting every time he ate so he was eating very little. All the water flushed out the good stuff & his body was running on only water.
So now DH agrees when the Dr says 10 days of light activity that he will take it easy..... There is a reason our bodies need time to heal & rest.
Woke the girls about 8 & they are big grumpy bears. I wanted to do some garden work but think we will take easy today & hope they are not so cranky tomorrow.
I updated my tapatalk app & it still isn't working! Anyone else able to use the app?
Oh my! That can be dangerous. Tell him the earth will not stop if he takes it easy for a few days. Is he feeling better from the oral surgery?

My tapatalk works when it wants to. I can type out a big ol' response to the board and then it won't post because my tapatalk says there is an error. I pretty much gave up using it. Of course I had to use it while I was at the hospital with mom this weekend, most of the time it wouldn't let me post anything I could only read.
Hi Okie guys and gals! I finally grabbed a moment to post. Had a good time at Newcastle. I didn't go down and talk to anyone at the tables, I always get so shy just going up and starting a conversation! LOL. I did get some nice birds tho!!! Of course I think my hubby would have preferred it if I had found someone to talk to instead of bidding. I do have a confession to make, I committed the auction newbie sin of buying some birds without looking at them.
Yep I sure did. Well you see Scoots put some chicks up on the table and said they were cochins, I think "hmmm I was thinking about some cochins", then the bidding is really low and before I know it they were mine. Oops! Hubby goes and picks them up. when he hands me the carrier my words were OMG! What are they!! I am sad to say there was a little French involved in that statement!
In the carrier were five of the ugliest chicks I had ever seen! They were caked in I don't know what but I call it 'ick", were mainly bald, and three were frizzle. They were pitiful. I let them rest in a quarantine cage till yesterday evening and then brought them in and started cleaning them up. Yeah I know I could have just cut my major loss of $3 total but I just couldn't do it.
After having to soak them for 30min to get all the gunk off,
I blow dried them and put them under a heat lamp. Still don't know most of their colors (some strange combos) but they look happier at least. After bathing they decided that the food and water actually looked decent to eat. I will start them on the hooch today. (that's what we call the fermented food LOL) So now Oogly, Quasi, Frankie (as in frankenstein ) Igor, and Boneapart are taking up residence in the back bedroom till they are more stable to go to an outside brooder. Ummm anyone want a frizzle cochin?
BTW is there such a thing as a tan barred? That is what one of them looks like.

Don't worry I learned my lesson! At least they seem healthy and did not have any bugs on them. Believe me I checked real good.
Ooh I forget to tell that the quail eggs I got from Bfrancis hatched!! All kinds of them! And all on the same day. Button and Coturnix! they were every where. Here are some pics of the babies!
that green thing is top off a small water bottle! These guys are tiny.
one of the Coturnix.
I just LOVE the eyebrows on this one!!

I really love these little guys, Thank you Bill!

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