***OKIES in the BYC III ***

uploading images has become a no-go here, the only way i can get them on is to upload to photobucket, copy the html code come back here click on 'source' paste the code, click on source and see if it works...sheesh!!

things seem to be settling down some here, the teens are getting into laying mode, so are griping all day... one of the orps sounds like she is going into labor.... or is doing raptor practice
I finally just uploaded pictures to my profile page album and was able then to copy to the posts. Before I could upload to the threads and to the PM. Now I can only up load to the threads. Sometimes I want to send a picture in a private message and until just recently couldn't do it ...would get an error message.
Made some real headway this year in the breeding pens and feel that the last 9 generations of work has finally paid off with the Opal. A few more generations to go with the columbian but the pullets are really coming around. I do expect a decent show season this year.

Very nice Carl! The Opal Roo is awesome! Best of luck at the shows!
erinszoo i see the farmer's watch dog net wer they are trying to pass new law's agaist us all the time .Up north they went in an locked some Amiish folk's out of ther own Dairy because they wer saleing whole milk..An just last yr they passed a law that you cant just walk in an sale your produce to a store.BYCers allways suport one another an if we see some thing for sale that we no came from an Okie on back yard chicken's at an auction or swap we buy it ...That apple butter sure sound's good Jcat made some last yr an it didnt last long.
Made some real headway this year in the breeding pens and feel that the last 9 generations of work has finally paid off with the Opal. A few more generations to go with the columbian but the pullets are really coming around. I do expect a decent show season this year.

Hey, Carl, they're looking good. I'm still working hard, too, but still only white serama (smooth and frizzle) are recognized by ABA...(black and wheaten in progress)....So I'm only competing with myself at ABA shows. Don't know if I will do the smaller ABA shows or not...maybe Shawnee...I'm doing good at SCNA shows.


Ok_Junebug and Carl:
Love the Bantams birds! Good luck in the shows this year...keep us posted on the progress!!!

Okieridge...here is a photo of the SLW

These are the Four Amigos. Two I'm keeping for my F1 breeding project - The Black Birchen cross on the far left and the Blue Cochin cross in the middle. The one on the far right is a Blue SLW.

Michael, I'm going to get pictures of the roos and pullets to post too.
Hopefully everyone is enjoying a little rain today..we got a shower.
Michael...this is what those birds look like...looks like most are roos. Will separate all into a sale pen and have a better count. this evening....they are all out free-ranging right now. Some look blue and some are black

Cochin x red star



We got a little rain today. 2.5 inches!!! (that can't be right!
) is what the rain gauge says for the past 24 hours, but if you go outside, it's all gone now! It barely rained for like 3 mins. Guess hubby will have to reset the weather station when he gets home.

I went outside to check on eggs and I think one of my pullets has started laying! (i didn't check yesterday!
) but today I looked and there are 3 different egg colors in the nest box. Brown, cream, & white. Never seen a white one in there before.
Such a wonderful day! I got the rabbit hutches and silkie seramas moved and better covered from the heat wind and rain. So much work done and got a couple little areas ready to find some nice trios for breeding.
It rained for about 5 minutes today in Muskogee.

I ate lunch at Als BBQ on Border and 32nd today for the first time, it was really good, better then Runts.
erinszoo i see the farmer's watch dog net wer they are trying to pass new law's agaist us all the time .Up north they went in an locked some Amiish folk's out of ther own Dairy because they wer saleing whole milk..An just last yr they passed a law that you cant just walk in an sale your produce to a store.BYCers allways suport one another an if we see some thing for sale that we no came from an Okie on back yard chicken's at an auction or swap we buy it ...That apple butter sure sound's good Jcat made some last yr an it didnt last long.

I know. Some of the laws are crazy any more. We've got twelve pint jars of applesauce done and are working on the apple butter as I write this. I'm willing to transport it if people want to buy it. Just PM me and we'll work something out.

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