***OKIES in the BYC III ***

sometimes i feel like a lake woebegone moment.... FIL brought a paper to us this morning, i have unclaimed money in the state funds- cool! go fill out the stuff for it online, go to scan my drivers liscence, oppps.... expired in June(anyone tell me what i need to renew it?).... ok, so i start hunting through the files for my birth cert.... ooppps.... can't find it...have to get it from California.... sheesh!!
The bitter and the sweet!

It has been such a long morning already. My mother passed away in the wee hours of this morning. I've been trying to contact family and been unable to yet. She was my birth mother, but not the mom who raised me.

I did not spend much time w/ my birth mother as a child, but did try to get to know her as an adult. She was a very childlike woman who always had a smile and a kind word, and even though she was treated very harshly by some in her family she kept joy in her heart. I admired that about her most. Here is a pic of us on our last outing together. This was after her suposedly life ending stroke, shortly after this pic was taken her health deteriorated to the point that she couldn't go on outings any longer.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your birth Mom. So many don't get the opportunity you had to develop a relationshiop with them. Precious memories will soften the blow.
It has been such a long morning already. My mother passed away in the wee hours of this morning. I've been trying to contact family and been unable to yet. She was my birth mother, but not the mom who raised me.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, she looks like she lived a very joyful life. Glad you got to get to know her. Sending prayers and hugs your way.
Thanks everyone for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. I think I have finally contacted everyone and finished the obit and put out a couple of "fires". Thankfully she had planned nearly all of it ahead of time.

Yes that was a great day at the local Okmulgee "zoo" she loved animals of all kinds and she got to pet the tiger, feed lemurs, pet a parrot, hold a sugar glider, see several big snakes, she had a great time. There is another pic from that day that is one of my favorites of her b/c she just is so unabashadly joyous.

Honestly, Kass-she looks so loving and kind. (And she's got great taste in clothes). I can't help thinking how satisfied she had to have been that she got to have a relationship with you and know what happened to the baby she didn't get to keep.
Had a good day today, hope tomorrow is as good, love the weather, it could stay like this for me. Chickens must like it too, egg count is going up! Have a great evening, Lynn
Okay I have officially had enough of this day, in addition to my mother passing, my brother and his wife have been taking care of her Gma for several years now, and this afternoon she passed too, and closing up the chickens we found a snake for the first time ever (not that the last thing is anywhere near the other two)
Not real happy with the new Lincoln County sherriff's office. When Roger called to make a report, he got a token telephone call back and was told if we wanted a copy it would be ready in 5 days.
Hubby, now retired, has been a police officer for 25 years and knows how long it takes to fill out an incident report. He was even warned not to take matters into his own hands.

Roger had to file a report because a crazy neighbor came to the house and threatened to shoot our cattle and tried to provoke Roger into a fight.

Seems the guy can't keep his bull inside their fences....since May. He is currently blaming our herd that we put on the back 40acres over a month ago.
"You didn't tell me you were going to put your cows there. How long are they going to be in that pasture. My bull is getting out every day cause your heifers are in heat. You need to tell me when one comes in heat." For several months John's bull/bulls have been running amuck thru grain and hay fields, in yards, chasing dogs and trying to get into neighboring pastures after cows in heat.

Roger told him he was tired of his lies about our cattle, our fences and to go home and fix his own fences like everyone has been telling him for the past several months. That's when the cussing and threats began.
Well I'll just go shoot your f#*...bull and your #*...cows. When Roger cautioned him about threatening our herd. You gonna stop me...come off that porch and I'll whip your _ _ _ a...

Sad thing is John and his parents are squatting on the grandmother's property since she was put in a nursing home. They moved in two trailers to live in and Pearl's home is vacant.
We did hear from another neighbor that a sherriff's car drove up the drive to the back and honked but noone came out. The sherriff's car didn't come to our home....so wonder why the visit there without stopping to visit with Roger.
Pearl's daughter was married to former Lincoln County Sherrif A. T. Brixey. Wonder if there is a little politics going on even though Pearl's daughter and John's father (her son) never get along.
Life in the country does have a few glitches. We're keeping an eye on our property, cattle, hay, etc. John is not employed and has a record for stealing, lying and mischief. He's 45 and should know better.
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Kass ... thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

So tired today. Dropped off our son back at school again yesterday and even in this day with texting, facebook, and skype it still feels like he's a million miles away. Nothing takes the place of a hug in real life. I slept for three hours this afternoon and dreamed I was in a college dorm living with my turkeys, however, the only way out of the room was a ladder through the window. Lol. I think what makes taking our son to school even harder is that we drive past the land we want to buy and can't get financing for (since my husband isn't working) and it's just sitting there with no one on it with the barns deteriorating. Sigh. One day we'll get there.

Got the garden watered today. All of the lettuce, rutabagas, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, bush beans, and summer squashes are up and growing. Still waiting on those pesky parsnips to come up. And the eggplants are finally blooming after all these many months in the garden doing nothing. I hope they set something finally.

Started our homeschool today for the year ...
Our daughter's great about it as long as we're just talking about it but when she actually has to DO anything, well that's another ball game.

Oh well, off to bed. Have to work tomorrow.

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