***OKIES in the BYC III ***

MJ keep us posted on PEEPS (Poultry Enthusiasts Eggcellent Party Swap). Lol or what ever. Can make it and hubby may also. I can help with food, etc.

Christina, what birds was Taron interested in...the Cochins or the Blue Wyandottes.

red is sitting on my feet under the desk due to the storms. He wants in my lap...guess Ill take him to bed and cover him with a blanket....the bed will shake until the storms pass.
Nana --- Taron is interested in all birds of course. I seriously never know with that girl, one thing I can be sure of, if its blue its here favorite.

Hope everyone stays safe from the storms tonight.
Good Morning! I sure hope everyone made it safely through the storms last night. We watched the lightening crack across the clouds, but didn't get a lick of rain. Is tonight the Blanchard Auction or is the by-week? I need more laying hens and can't wait till the pullets come into season. Prices on craigslist are high! (I wonder if they are laying gold eggs though.,,, ;p)

Thanks in advance guys!
Last weekend at the Yukon auction, most of the laying hens sold in the 20's....but babies brought 1.00 each all night long.......and people are still buying from Attwoods and TSC for 2 to 5 bucks........and 8 for baby Turkeys????? Beats me??????
Good Morning! I sure hope everyone made it safely through the storms last night. We watched the lightening crack across the clouds, but didn't get a lick of rain. Is tonight the Blanchard Auction or is the by-week? I need more laying hens and can't wait till the pullets come into season. Prices on craigslist are high! (I wonder if they are laying gold eggs though.,,, ;p)

Thanks in advance guys!
It is the 5th Saturday, so no auction.
Next week is Newcastle, (1st and 3rd) and the following Saturday is Blanchard, (2nd and 4th).
Vashi and I are also interested in the alternate to POOPS if it isn't going to happen. Still hoping they'll get it together, but completely understand if they can't.
Last weekend at the Yukon auction, most of the laying hens sold in the 20's....but babies brought 1.00 each all night long.......and people are still buying from Attwoods and TSC for 2 to 5 bucks........and 8 for baby Turkeys????? Beats me??????

Some of us only need 1-2 chicks.

And the gas I would spend driving to an auction to buy only one or two chicks would make it worth it or save me any money. Especially when Atwoods is only a few miles from me.

Hello my name is Olof and I just started my backyard flock this February. I have 2 Easter Eggers, an Australorp and a Buff Orp. You can find photos of them on my blog. I'm allowed 6 birds here in Tulsa and have found out that one of my EEs is a roo so I will need to replace him. I've gone chick crazy and I can't walk into Southern Ag. with out wanting to take a chick home. But what I really want is a Maran for some chocolate brown eggs on top of the color spectrum that I have. I´m expecting 2 Icelandic Chicks in April for the white eggs.
Welcome OlofDrofn!

I too live in Tulsa... and I may or may not have a chick weakness too.... and I may or may not have too many chicks already.... and I may or may not also have too many hens already... according to the city ordinances.... and I may or may not of brought home another chick today when I went to buy feed (I have it bad)...

I don't get to be on here often.. but I am taking advantage of the rainy day and catching up on here before I start house cleaning. So it is nice to "meet" you on here and I hope to see you in real life soon.
We also got very little rain for the amount of thunder and lightening thru the night...less than a quarter inch. Fortunately no hail!.
Yesterday I let the juvenile birds out of the brooder room into the hen house and then to the outdoors if they wanted to explore. Had several make it all the way outside with the hens and roosters. Only one was a stragler going back in in the evening. Also potted up 275 pots of tomatoes for our garden and the MIL's garden.
Today need to do the herbs and some of the peppers. And I need to seed some more Romaine lettuce in little plant out tabs. Looks like a run to town for Miracle Grow Moisture control soil is in order. GD has a soccer game this afternoon so may go by Lowe's on the way.

Every one enjoy today.

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