***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I think I hatch out compulsive over eating chicks or something. I keep reading where they don't eat until a couple of days old, mine start eating as soon as I take them out of the bator.
I have 3 broody girls setting on eggs, but my last broody set and had no live chicks so this time I hedged my bet and set some eggs in the incubator so if the eggs they were setting on didn't hatch they could still raise some chicks. Anyway Sund was lockdown and Tues was hatch day, but I have at least 3 hatched/ing today!!!!!!! How is that possible??????
I know it has been wet, but check your humidity. On you hens sprinkle a bit of warm water on the eggs and see if that helps some times the eggs get dry and makes it harder for the chicks to get out. Good Luck!
Welcome! I am kinda new too. Seems to be a lot of great folks on here!

I'm reminding folks that we're having a chicken gathering just south of Tahlequah on Labor Day. Send me a PM is you want information. I've just finished painting the second beanbag toss board. There's a lot of reflection, so you can't see as much of the detail as I'd hoped. We'll also have water balloons for a balloon toss tournament! Wear shorts : ) If you want to bring something for the potluck lunch, please send me a message.


I'm reminding folks that we're having a chicken gathering just south of Tahlequah on Labor Day. Send me a PM is you want information. I've just finished painting the second beanbag toss board. There's a lot of reflection, so you can't see as much of the detail as I'd hoped. We'll also have water balloons for a balloon toss tournament! Wear shorts : ) If you want to bring something for the potluck lunch, please send me a message.

hey all! I think I've fallen off the face of the earth ... or just the BYC lately. Between the birds, the garden produce, my parents, and getting my son moved into his apartment before school starts, not to mention having deadlines for two different novels and a poem and a short story, and homeschooling my daughter, I'm meeting myself coming and going. I swear I'm beginning to tag team myself for sleep and all the tasks I have to keep up with.

And then today my husband brings home 25 lbs of potatoes, a bushel of nectarines, a huge sack of yellow crookneck squash, and two zucchini the size of baseball bats. I already have a mountain of eggplant on top of picking at least three 2 lb cucumbers every day that need processed ... and all those blinking turkeys we hatched still need to be butchered. They're going to be thirty pounds each before we get them done!

Anyway, hope you all are doing well and have a great week!
Welcome Cosmo!

Man that chicken-people party on Labor Day sounds like a blast but IDK if we can make it, we have decided a move is in our immediate future and there are SO many half finished projects around here....

But I finished one this weekend- pulling the shed doors off, putting a new thin sheet of plywood on the front, sanding, painting, new hardware, and they are back up and look pretty spiffy if I do say so myself!

Nearly have all my extra birds sold in preparation for the move, just a few black copper marans hens left and I will be pared down as far as I can go and
for no accidents, predators, illnesses, etc until after the move and I have eggs setting again! The city of Catoosa is giving us 3 months to address the complaint. We have made some changes and submitted that to them and now we are searching like mad to get into a new place. If in 3 months they feel we have not done enough I don't think it would end pretty for us. We could certainly drop down to two breeds and I think that would be adequate to satisfy the city, but we feel ready for a larger property anyway. Now to just find it....
spent the day yesterday working on the bantam coop, will divide the big run so one half will be the layers, the other the bantams, leaving the current bantam run available for the ducks, and possibly the silkies- i have decided to do more with silkies, and with cold weather coming soon i had to decide how to make things more accessible-... will be selling my excess ducks- too many drakes hatched ...and possibly will have 4 bantam faverolles at the swap, still trying to decide on that-

well coffee is done, out to feed and water, have a good day everyone!!

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