***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Coral, congrats!! You must be so proud of him!!!
Good news on the chicken front! The chicks had what I believed was coccidia, but I had been treating them for what I felt was way too long, and the Corid wasn't fixing the problem. My larger chickens had diarrhea, and I had started seeing rusty poops, along with the ongoing issue with them not gaining weight, but because I'd tried the Corid already, I was thinking it had to be something else. In a conversation with Dusti the other day she mentioned it could be Corid-resistant coccidia. OMG, Corid-resistant coccidia?!?!?!?! I'd been trying to get my hands on Sulmet for forever, just to have it in my arsenal for just-in-cases, but it wasn't available in any of the feedstores around me, so she picked up a bottle for me. Now, four days later, I'm seeing a difference already! The chicks that were hunched over and flirting with the Hades roosters are all perked back up and eating! My poor flock must have been dealing with this for ages. Poor feathered babies. Thank you Dusti!
And.......that'd be why I don't even bother with Corid. Corid doesn't cover near as many strains as Sulmet. I just don't trust it.
ok, guess the breed...LOL! the guy that sent the eggs put 2 blue in the mix, one an EE and one Aracauna- so which is this little one
Robin, is he rumpless? I can't tell. He's a beautiful color. Are these 2 older Silkie boys I got from you Lavender? They're wonderful boys :) Kim, that Porcelain pair is gorgeous!!! i've got Silkies coming out my ears, otherwise I'd be calling dibs on them.
i can't tell if he is rumpless, not like it matters all that much, he is a sweety- time will tell... the other one is a pynchon, and i think i figured out what was going on with my hatches- a forum in the uk said if its humid, do a dry hatch....

yes those boys are lavendar- sweethearts, cant wait to see how they look after their spa treatment and new digs!
Good news on the chicken front! The chicks had what I believed was coccidia, but I had been treating them for what I felt was way too long, and the Corid wasn't fixing the problem. My larger chickens had diarrhea, and I had started seeing rusty poops, along with the ongoing issue with them not gaining weight, but because I'd tried the Corid already, I was thinking it had to be something else. In a conversation with Dusti the other day she mentioned it could be Corid-resistant coccidia. OMG, Corid-resistant coccidia?!?!?!?! I'd been trying to get my hands on Sulmet for forever, just to have it in my arsenal for just-in-cases, but it wasn't available in any of the feedstores around me, so she picked up a bottle for me. Now, four days later, I'm seeing a difference already! The chicks that were hunched over and flirting with the Hades roosters are all perked back up and eating! My poor flock must have been dealing with this for ages. Poor feathered babies.

Thank you Dusti!
I haven't been able to find liquid Sulmet around here for a while. I have been using a powder form.
I had a bunch of chicks catch Cocci. right as I was moving them out to the grow-out pen. They spent the night in the coop and when I opened it in the morning there was bloody stool everywhere. They hadn't had water since the night before so they drank the treated water right down. I only lost 3 out of 24.
Coral, congrats!! You must be so proud of him!!!
And.......that'd be why I don't even bother with Corid. Corid doesn't cover near as many strains as Sulmet. I just don't trust it.
Robin, is he rumpless? I can't tell. He's a beautiful color.
Are these 2 older Silkie boys I got from you Lavender? They're wonderful boys :)

Kim, that Porcelain pair is gorgeous!!! i've got Silkies coming out my ears, otherwise I'd be calling dibs on them.

I gave my chicks corid during our battle with cocci and lost all but 1. (7 died) Next time (please let there never be a next time) I'll try sulmet.

Also what is rumpless? Exactly what it sounds like?
Robin check for the tailbone. in a rumples breed it is absent. The way this chick is rounded off I would say it's rumpless.
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I just finished the chicken part of a block I designed from scratch (
get it???) This will have borders just haven't decided the details on the borders.

I gave my chicks corid during our battle with cocci and lost all but 1. (7 died) Next time (please let there never be a next time) I'll try sulmet.

Also what is rumpless? Exactly what it sounds like?

My husband got me a gal jug of generic Sulmet last summer from the Stillwater Grain Mill. You might try some companies like that.
Ashtree, here's a picture @Kassaundra took of the rumpless Araucana boy I got from her a year ago. I LOVE this boy! They have real calm natures and are very sweet tempered. Robin, they won't have a butt bump if they're rumpless. No little knob that tail feathers grow from. I hope you've got an Araucana, you'd love their personalities.


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