***OKIES in the BYC III ***

OK I need some help one of my cochin girls is acting funny.

she sounds a little wisie and was yawning a lot she also is pulling out feathers on her neck the skin on her head and around her ears looks dry and crusty and there was some yellow ear wax in one of her ears. I looked her all over and she doesn't have any bugs so not sure what the white crusty stuff on her neck is but i must be itchy because when i touched it she tried to scratch with her beak.

have you checked her for mites? a bad mite problem can do that
I say this all the time!! People are always posting ads claiming they "love" their pet so much that they want to find someone who'll 'give him the attention he deserves'. That's crap. If you don't care about him enough to do what needs to be done to take care of him, that's fine. But dang-MAN UP and admit it. Don't hide behind some sob story. I agree with you-if I can't or don't want to deal with some illness or problem an animal has and I opt to put it down instead (aggressive or extremely destructive dogs come to mind), that's on ME and I own up to it.
OK I need some help one of my cochin girls is acting funny.
she sounds a little wisie and was yawning a lot she also is pulling out feathers on her neck the skin on her head and around her ears looks dry and crusty and there was some yellow ear wax in one of her ears. I looked her all over and she doesn't have any bugs so not sure what the white crusty stuff on her neck is but i must be itchy because when i touched it she tried to scratch with her beak.

The only thing I've seen do that is lice eggs. They attach to the feather shaft and hatch out when they're ready. A bird can be treated for lice (often confused with mites) yet the egg sacs stay attached to the feathers until they're ready to hatch out. The meds used to treat lice don't kill the eggs, just the adults.
I don't really buy into that way of thinking, though, because the ones who ascribe to it all seem to have that "living" thing in common. We can't exactly ask the animals we kill if they think it's in their best interest. I don't believe in making a determination based on my convenience, then pretending it's for the best of the animal. If I'm incapable of giving the care they need, and I make the determination to kill them over it, I believe in at least being honest about it. If you're going to kill a creature because it doesn't conform to your expectations, don't blame it on the animal.
I don't think we disagree... Person admits their shortcoming in being incapable of caring for the animal, so they weigh their options. Do they find rescue (which is undoubtedly overburdened as it is), try to re home (which almost always winds up in a constant cycle of rehoming, birds being as they are, this is a life of torture, for 20 years? 100 years?), euthanize the animal humanely, or keep the animal (with substandard care, which is how the whole thing started) Not to get too religious or anything, but if you believe in the Hereafter, death is a release from this world to the next. I guess I just have too much faith in God (no, not really) and not enough faith in humankind.
I don't want to sound like a broken record but whether its bugs or not I'd liberally apply coconut oil!
ok, i will try that.

The only thing I've seen do that is lice eggs. They attach to the feather shaft and hatch out when they're ready. A bird can be treated for lice (often confused with mites) yet the egg sacs stay attached to the feathers until they're ready to hatch out. The meds used to treat lice don't kill the eggs, just the adults.
These are not attached to the feather shaft they are hard and round and on the skin i have seen the lice eggs before it is not that. And it is making her itchy because when i scratch her she starts scratching her self, it is kind of funny to see.
OK I need some help one of my cochin girls is acting funny.

she sounds a little wisie and was yawning a lot she also is pulling out feathers on her neck the skin on her head and around her ears looks dry and crusty and there was some yellow ear wax in one of her ears. I looked her all over and she doesn't have any bugs so not sure what the white crusty stuff on her neck is but i must be itchy because when i touched it she tried to scratch with her beak.

KSane probably hit the nail on the head, but I was on another site and the girl's chicken had been bitten by little ants, and it was similar

my girls get red neck AC,

a couple jugs of ice, a fan blowing over them and a nestbox in front of it, they wait in line to cool off
It is realyy hot. or maybe it's just me. I have been trying to get a bunch of things done, and thought I was going to go down, so am taking a break. I'm soaked and haven't been near a hose. I just got jugs to freeze. I had forgotten what you had shown me before. I'll bet they will appreciate it. Just froze some watermelon for them to have for tomorrow and yeah, I did multi.
@NuggetGirl (must be mis spelling) thanks for the info about your horse. I've had them like that too, but this pony...............
I don't want to sound like a broken record but whether its bugs or not I'd liberally apply coconut oil!

Reminds me of the time our local schools had an epidemic of head lice. A black woman told me: Blacks folks don't get head lice because our hair is so oily. Makes sense to me.
OK I need some help one of my cochin girls is acting funny. she sounds a little wisie and was yawning a lot she also is pulling out feathers on her neck the skin on her head and around her ears looks dry and crusty and there was some yellow ear wax in one of her ears. I looked her all over and she doesn't have any bugs so not sure what the white crusty stuff on her neck is but i must be itchy because when i touched it she tried to scratch with her beak.
have you checked her for mites? a bad mite problem can do that
yes, i have i didn't see a single bug
I don't want to sound like a broken record but whether its bugs or not I'd liberally apply coconut oil!
ok, i will try that.
The only thing I've seen do that is lice eggs. They attach to the feather shaft and hatch out when they're ready. A bird can be treated for lice (often confused with mites) yet the egg sacs stay attached to the feathers until they're ready to hatch out. The meds used to treat lice don't kill the eggs, just the adults.
These are not attached to the feather shaft they are hard and round and on the skin i have seen the lice eggs before it is not that. And it is making her itchy because when i scratch her she starts scratching her self, it is kind of funny to see.
Ear mites are more tiny than regular mites. There will be crusty buildup about the ears and hard wax inside the ears. Scratching and yawning are clear signals Use Otiscleans like you use on dogs ears. Several drops in the ear and gently massage the ear. You can use a Q-tip to wipe down the outer ear. Several days of treatment should clear up the problem.

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