***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Ear mites are more tiny than regular mites. There will be crusty buildup about the ears and hard wax inside the ears. Scratching and yawning are clear signals
Use Otiscleans like you use on dogs ears. Several drops in the ear and gently massage the ear. You can use a Q-tip to wipe down the outer ear. Several days of treatment should clear up the problem.
would sweet oil work? i have some of that.
OK I need some help one of my cochin girls is acting funny. she sounds a little wisie and was yawning a lot she also is pulling out feathers on her neck the skin on her head and around her ears looks dry and crusty and there was some yellow ear wax in one of her ears. I looked her all over and she doesn't have any bugs so not sure what the white crusty stuff on her neck is but i must be itchy because when i touched it she tried to scratch with her beak.
Google favus, which is ringworm when it's on chickens.
Ready for the summer to be over. Neighbors are making our life a living hell. I'm constantly worried for our animals which takes all the joy out of having them. Its so frustrating to not be able to move.
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. What are they doing? Perhaps you should involve law enforcement?

Ready for the summer to be over. Neighbors are making our life a living hell. I'm constantly worried for our animals which takes all the joy out of having them. Its so frustrating to not be able to move.

Are these the druggies you've talked about in the past?

Yep, same ones. They harrass our animals all the time, park their lawn mower against the fence and leave it running, throw things at them, one day the lady sat in a lawn chair and ran her weed eater for three and a half hours. They've put a fence in the middle of our shared drive that leaves us inches from scraping our car every time we pull in or out of the driveway. Then they told us they were watching us and knew when we left the house, who was driving, who was watering the garden, when we did the dishes, etc. We've come home twice this summer and they were on our property messing with our fencing.

I called the police last week on them and haven't heard a peep since. I'm not sure if they spoke to them or not but someone threw a brick at our goat fence last night when we were putting them up for the night. These people are just nutso. Even if the police get involved, its never long before they are right back at it again.

One night they even shot at us with their pellet gun. The bullets dinged off the fence right behind us. I'm still scared to walk down the alley. We definitely called the police that night.

Honestly, we want to move to some acreage. We know no where is ever perfect but at least we wouldn't have neighbors so close harrassing our animals. I just can't stand that about them. How can anyone be so cruel as to hate animals?
Yep, same ones. They harrass our animals all the time, park their lawn mower against the fence and leave it running, throw things at them, one day the lady sat in a lawn chair and ran her weed eater for three and a half hours. They've put a fence in the middle of our shared drive that leaves us inches from scraping our car every time we pull in or out of the driveway. Then they told us they were watching us and knew when we left the house, who was driving, who was watering the garden, when we did the dishes, etc. We've come home twice this summer and they were on our property messing with our fencing.

I called the police last week on them and haven't heard a peep since. I'm not sure if they spoke to them or not but someone threw a brick at our goat fence last night when we were putting them up for the night. These people are just nutso. Even if the police get involved, its never long before they are right back at it again.

One night they even shot at us with their pellet gun. The bullets dinged off the fence right behind us. I'm still scared to walk down the alley. We definitely called the police that night.

Honestly, we want to move to some acreage. We know no where is ever perfect but at least we wouldn't have neighbors so close harrassing our animals. I just can't stand that about them. How can anyone be so cruel as to hate animals?

Sounds terrible! Hope you are able to move to more and new space soon!
Streamers, as in long saddle feathers? Show me where u see the streamers. I'll try again in a bit to send better ones. It crashed on me and i just got back up. As loving as this little one is, it really needs a kid, if it's a boy. I don't know if Rinda's boy still haven't replaced her little boys bird. Arlo still has a pet right?@lonnyandrinda

Thanks for thinking of me, hopefully it's a girl for you!

Sounds terrible! Hope you are able to move to more and new space soon!

Quote: Quote:
what about the wheezing and sneezing part should i give her some antibiotics?
Sweet oil would help...might mix a drop or two of Ivermectin in the oil and use it that way. As for the wheezing and sneezing...you can give an oral dose of Tylan50...about 1 cc

Kyzmette mentioned favus...ringworm...will have to look that one up.

I have eggs in the hatcher due on the 20th....15 quail and 6 bantams. Then another hatch for the 24th and another set for the 28th. Looks like the hatcher will be busy for the next week.
The doctor ordered an MRI of my shoulder and a bone scan for my "lower extremities" to compare the good knee and my knee replacement. Those are both tomorrow so that will pretty much knock out the whole day. Then will get to visit with him when the results are reported...looking like surgery is coming.
So that means I need to make adjustments in both the flock arrangement and the numbers of juveniles. Roger and Larry will help with the feeding and watering...but it could be more streamlined.....
I know Dusti wants some of the pullets.
I'll do some rearranging and will post what is available....and what can go to auction.

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