***OKIES in the BYC III ***

With some dedication and consistency, guineas can be trained fairly easily to return to a coop at night, but it needs to be secure. They will be picked off by predators, owls, hawks, racoons, neighbor dogs, if not given a secure place to sleep. They can fly from a very young age, but really don't have enough sense to survive somewhat on their own until they are about 3 or 4 months old.
Do any of you raise cream legbars? I'm thinkin' I might need two or three.
Has anyone successfully trapped bobcats in live traps I don't want to use steel traps they are unforgiving I trap hogs wounder if the same trap would work on cats . Any ideals?
Place straw or hay bales on three sides and the top of the trap, get a call duck hen and use as live bait. You will get him.

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