***OKIES in the BYC III ***

The trick to making this work is weighting down the rod so that only the can turns. Using the wooden ramp for the mice to have easy access to the peanut butter also holds the rod in place to the can rolls with the mouse.
Since I have young birds who like to fly up on the rims of five gallon buckets to see what is inside, I wrapped 2 inch chicken wire tower around my bucket....the mice can go thru easily, but the birds cant have access.

Hi NanaKat: the hole I drilled in the bucket are nearly undersized for the dowel, and I had to drive the dowel through with a hammer. I thought about the chickens wanting to check out the bucket. Your tower of chicken wire is a good idea. I'll top the bucket with it, and won't have to worry about curious chickens falling in.
That water trap is an awesome idea! We keep our feed in the garage (currently), and I am worried when we see the occasional mouse. Going to make one of those & put it in our garage.
@NanaKat I really like what you said about animal husbandry. It helps getting so many perspectives. It's a delicate topic.

So I think my sizzle Peaches has bumblefoot again. :barnie So either I missed some or it's a new issue. I've read that some chickens can get chronic bumblefoot. Does that sound right? It's in the same foot. She does roost every night about 8 inches up. Geez I hate to do this all over again but of course I will.
@NanaKat I really like what you said about animal husbandry. It helps getting so many perspectives. It's a delicate topic.

So I think my sizzle Peaches has bumblefoot again. :barnie So either I missed some or it's a new issue. I've read that some chickens can get chronic bumblefoot. Does that sound right? It's in the same foot. She does roost every night about 8 inches up. Geez I hate to do this all over again but of course I will.

What I read (take with a grain of salt) is Bumblefoot is caused by a specific bacteria that gets into the foot through a cut or something. If that bacteria is already there in their yard it would make sense that it could become chronic.
Rabbits, hamsters, etc can also get what they call "bumblefoot" from living on wire. So i wonder if it's the same thing or not?
What I read (take with a grain of salt) is Bumblefoot is caused by a specific bacteria that gets into the foot through a cut or something. If that bacteria is already there in their yard it would make sense that it could become chronic.
Rabbits, hamsters, etc can also get what they call "bumblefoot" from living on wire. So i wonder if it's the same thing or not?

Ok. I'll treat it and just hope no one else gets it. :fl so far it's only been her. But she is one of my only silkies/sizzles that roosts. So I thought maybe it was the jump down? I don't know.
Ok. I'll treat it and just hope no one else gets it.
so far it's only been her. But she is one of my only silkies/sizzles that roosts. So I thought maybe it was the jump down? I don't know.

I would think not from only 8" high. Maybe she scratched her foot on something and reinfected it. Good luck with the treatment!
:thumbsup Good to know.  Right now the plan is for it to remain empty in the winter, and the front is facing north now, but if worse comes to worse Lonny can help me turn it around if we need to press it into use this winter!
or just put up a wind break, then they can have wind blocked from all sides.
As long as they stay dry and protected from drafts, they'll be fine.

Having a "spare bedroom" always comes in handy for surprise issues! I don't really know anyone with "spare room" when it comes to their chickens lol.
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@NanaKat I really like what you said about animal husbandry. It helps getting so many perspectives. It's a delicate topic.

So I think my sizzle Peaches has bumblefoot again. :barnie So either I missed some or it's a new issue. I've read that some chickens can get chronic bumblefoot. Does that sound right? It's in the same foot. She does roost every night about 8 inches up. Geez I hate to do this all over again but of course I will.
someone just made a post about a natural cure for bumble foot on the natural chicken keeping thread.
If I come across it again, I'll send it to you.
My silkies (the ones that roost) roost up about a foot and a half off the ground with no issues (better say yet here, hopefully, God willing, it never happens).

I've also read it's common for a recurrence to show and the second treatment/surgery gets everything else.
Do you have Epsom salt? That will help pull the infection to the surface (like with an ingrown toenail) and iodine or veterycin to flush it out (neither of these cause pain, other than manipulating an open wound, but birds don't have the same nervous system as we do, so they don't feel pain the same way, I'm sure if you're calm about it, she will be too) then cram it full of plain triple antibiotic ointment (like neosporin) and wrap it if you can; if you can't, I'd keep her on towels/paper towels until it has time to heal.
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someone just made a post about a natural cure for bumble foot on the natural chicken keeping thread.
If I come across it again, I'll send it to you.
My silkies (the ones that roost) roost up about a foot and a half off the ground with no issues (better say yet here, hopefully, God willing, it never happens).

I've also read it's common for a recurrence to show and the second treatment/surgery gets everything else.
Do you have Epsom salt? That will help pull the infection to the surface (like with an ingrown toenail) and iodine or veterycin to flush it out (neither of these cause pain, other than manipulating an open wound, but birds don't have the same nervous system as we do, so they don't feel pain the same way, I'm sure if you're calm about it, she will be too) then cram it full of plain triple antibiotic ointment (like neosporin) and wrap it if you can; if you can't, I'd keep her on towels/paper towels until it has time to heal.

I don't have Epsom salt on hand but I do have iodine and sugar to help draw it out. I'll do the paste in a bit ( if I can ever get my DD to sleep!) and leave that on for a few days and plan on doing surgery Sunday when my husband has a day off work.
I don't have Epsom salt on hand but I do have iodine and sugar to help draw it out. I'll do the paste in a bit ( if I can ever get my DD to sleep!) and leave that on for a few days and plan on doing surgery Sunday when my husband has a day off work.
cool. If you get a chance to get some Epsom salt, it's in the laxative section, or maybe first aid? Probably laxitives. It's really handy and is useful for more than just bumble foot. (They did all these cool upgrades for the mobile version, like...showing that someone has edited something, but didn't add the smiley menu...sad me...I would have done the thumbs up after I said "cool")

Leaky vent, flushes for certain poisonings and it's great for your feet! (As a nice, hot soak)
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