***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Yesterday I lost the hen that was champion asiatic at the APA national last year along with two pullets that were as good or better than her. These girls were nearly in condition and ready for shows this fall. Sick of this summer, 66 birds lost so far and the heat is relentless! Winter can come and stay as far as I am concerned, I'll face 8 degree weather over 108 anyday!

that is one very considerable loss to your program Bo, I hope you can recover from it. have you been able to retain the birds you needed for your brown Red and brown projects?

I see that you are looking for eggs or chicks. Will this be your initial introduction to poultry or do you already have some birds?

Disclaimer: This group excels in assisting others in the location of just about any kind of poultry. Therefore, you may receive lots of help in locating birds once you ask. How many birds do you have housing for at this time? Some of us prefer to acquire now and figure out housing tomorrow.

I know of a man that has Dottes and Astrolorp chicks in the Tulsa/Inola area.

Thanks for the quick response! We do already have birds - the oldest group are about 6 months old, the youngest are about 2 months old. We have 3 barred rock hens, 2 buff orpington hens, 1 New Hampshire roo, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Welsummer, 1 easter egger, 3 bantam D'uccle mille hens, 1 bantam D'uccle roo. With the exception of the batams, they are feed store chicks. We have room for more as the hubby is fast and furiously remodeling our current coop.

SOOO, what we are looking for now . . . . we would love to begin acquiring some non hatchery birds, possibly even some our two young boys could show. We did bite the bullet and order some eggs from a seller on BYC. We are expecting BLRW and RIR eggs this week - yeah! We would love to have some Gold Laced and/or silver laced wyandotte, and Marans (LOVE the dark eggs). This is a big chunk of our family fun - we have a 6 year old who cannot get enough of "the big girls" - HA! So, whatever we end up with has to be willing to be LOVED on a lot - no meanies.

One last thing - we heard about a poultry show in Shawnee in December . . . what goes on there?

While doing my nightly squash bug assault I came to a realization of where squash bug (the primary evil in the universe) came from. Sorry to the non"Whovians" for the reference, they are the unnatural offspring of a marraige between a dalek and a cyberman!
Yes the Doctor is coming back on this week!!!!!
I'm more of a Seinfeld-ian or a Breaking Bad-ian than a Dr. Who-vian, but understand your concern. Those squash bugs are annoying and destructive. I have a problem with the Box Elder Beetles, I think because of the Golden Rain Tree next door. Those things are everywhere!
Kass you better get out of the heat and cool off,your speaking in "tongues" again!lol
It was a nice day here this morning but heated back up in the ninetys. Cahance of rain20-50% next five days but in the ninetys. My yard is finally looking like a summer yard,dry and some brown.

Been trying to integrate my young muscovys in with the older ones. When the drake finaly tires and leaves them alone a hen will come off the nest and chase them! Hope they get it all worked out soon.

Didn't do much today,feeling on the ruff side. Did go shopping for wife a Birthday present and make her a cake.

Sounds like if the heat hasn't hurt folks the varmits have this year. Sure been a tough one for everyone. Maybe fall will come in and give everyone a break.

I did figure a couple problems out in the pigeon loft. Had one pair producing bull-eyed blind babys,found out it was a pair of almonds mated together. Almond to almond is not a good thing,now I know why!. The other was a nest that had four eggs in it. They hatched out 3,ended up they are both females.Apparently they mated with males but nested as a pair. So I will break these two pairs up. Take away two hens and let the male and other hen remate. Trouble is both the hens I will take out are very nice and I hate to loose them. But they will never leave their mates as long as they can get to them. So I will have to take them to the sale.

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