***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Good morning Okies!... I finally get another day to work in the garden. Going to start soon so I can get out there before it gets too hot. Have so much to get done today and will probably only accomplish half of it.
It has been a rough couple of weeks for my family. Three weeks ago, my son in law lost his grandmother, to whom he and my daughter have been very close and had been caring for over the past 5 years. Thursday, his mother (her daughter) died. Friday, I got the news my nephew has double pneumonia and a staph infection, is in ICU and not expected to make it.

Sorrows come in threes.

I'm so sorry.
I thought 6 months - but a gentleman here told me to not look for anything the first year. Was thinking I had seen others with eggs sooner.

Have a Blessed Palm Sunday!
Here is the current list of attendees for POOPS.
I will try and catch people as they post on the thread,
but if you don't see your name on the list then please
send me a private message.
Please let me know how many will be in your group.
Thanks Monty


poultryand bees---------2
OKcarla &Gerald---------2
Poco Pollo-----------------2
TOTAL __________ 85

Here is the short list as of now, I will have more later though.
14 weeks and older
1 Brassy back Pullet
2 pair of columbian could make it 1 trio and one pair if needed
1 Silver Blue Cockrell
1 Birchen Cockrell
Up to 4 Birchen Pullets
Opal 2 Cockrells

8-11 weeks
1 Pair of Opal (good ones)
1 Pair of Birchen

Brassy Back / Blue Brassy Back
1 4yr old cock, 1 2yr old Brassy hen, 1 1yr Brassy Hen, 1 1 year Blue Brassy Hen. (Females can be shown this year) Cock always did well but is too old now, have produced many very good offspring from this male. Single mated line from Mark Massey

Blue Wheaton Female line Breeder Trio
well proven breeder birds 2 yr old cock 2 year old hen and 1 pullet.
Well my rooster still has not crowed, but he sure is feeling frisky. He isn't succeeding yet, but he sure is trying. My girls don't know what to think. They are all ignoring him or hiding from him. I don't think I can take it when he finally succeeds. Him trying looks so violent. I am kind of scared he will hurt the Barred Rocks I got at the auction. He was trying with them, but I don't think they're old enough. I wish I knew someone around here that caponized them. I think he may be too old by now though. Doesn't that have to be done before they get randy?
Well when I got home this morning I have 4 live chicks, they don't seem as spunky as when I had the EE babies, but that may just be the much fewer numbers. I have one black, one blue, one mostly yellow (I think going to be splash), and one that is confusing they are all supose to be blue/black/splash, but the 4th one is yellow w/ a large brown chipmunk stripe down it's back. The lightest one is very thin even through the chick fluff it's obviously way thinner then the others. They didn't spend any extra time at the PO Gary was able to go get them immediately (fortunately). The hatchery is Cedar Creek, it is small and all the reviews were very good, so I'm sure they will make good, it's just so dissapointing. I knew they were having some issues w/ their NN hatches (but not until after I ordered) I'll know more about where I stand w/ them tomorrow when they open for business again.
Kass, I feel so bad for you about your NN babies. You waited sooooo long and were so patient. It's just not fair. Something must not have been right with them before they got sent. Or maybe they hung onto them for too long before sending. It makes you wonder since they had no record of when they were sending them when you talked to them earlier in the week. Those poor tiny babies.

Well my rooster still has not crowed, but he sure is feeling frisky. He isn't succeeding yet, but he sure is trying. My girls don't know what to think. They are all ignoring him or hiding from him. I don't think I can take it when he finally succeeds. Him trying looks so violent. I am kind of scared he will hurt the Barred Rocks I got at the auction. He was trying with them, but I don't think they're old enough. I wish I knew someone around here that caponized them. I think he may be too old by now though. Doesn't that have to be done before they get randy?

That's how I feel. I had a Cochin boy in with my 4 Cochin girls all of about a week and couldn't take it anymore. They're my favorites and I couldn't stand them being grabbed by the head and violated
. The Modern Bantam boy I have isn't like that at all and he's just got his 1 girl in with him. He's real gentle with her evidently, she doesn't have a feather out of place. Most my other boys border on violent-sheesh. I'd love to get ALL mine caponized. It's bound to cut down on the majority of the behavior. I would imagine even done as an older bird it'd be just like with dogs and cats-it's not *as effective against bad behavior (spraying, lifting their leg, etc) but it still cuts down on 75% of it. That'd be good enough for me. I might call the vet or the vet school and find out about that. I'd even risk losing some in order to get it done.

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