***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Annabelle is still on Tylan 50 and is improving slightly. Started using Denegard (tiamulin) in her water today. If needbe, will switch to penicillin G procaine instead of the Tylan 50.
I just recently heard about denegard- where do you get yours? everyone i have talked to says it is fantastic!
Quote: now i understand those eggs that i kept hoping would hatch and didn't.... i'd love a set of pics that show nonviable eggs
Quote: ok, it has been funny to watch the reactions- the roo will stand there and just stare.... with a puzzled look
took some pics of my BBR aracaunas today

they have exalant color and typ but the roooster has yelow legs but i chose him for the breeding pin because he has the best color and typ and because the yelow legs are a resesive by breeding him to hens with good leg color i will hatch roos with good blue/black legs

and also took some pics of my brown red araucanas

Quote: I ordered mine online, but it can be purchaed loclly. It is pricey. It is used for swine for treating pneumonia and dysentery but can be used for poultry. 16 cc in a gallon of water for chickens for treating pneumonia given as the only source of water for 5 days.. Penicillin G procaine also is used for both strains of pneumonia. Denegard is supposed to be do that also. You use one or the other.
Annebelle has been on Tylan shots for 9 days and I'm seeing little improvement. Will try the Denegard first and give her a break from getting daily injections.
Misting over their heads 3 x a day with 1/8 tsp of Oxine to a gallon of water is supposed to help also.
Denegard can be given in the same ratio for 3 days as a preventative once a month for the flock.
Don't think I posted pictures here for the Belgian d'Anvers or the Blue Cochins....if I did. then I claim partsheimers as my excuse for reposting.
There are 6 color varieties and a couple of Spangled OEGB in the mix.

A week older now:

Blue Cochins from the Bo Garrett eggs...soooo cute at one week.

Oh and for those who like frog legs....This one dressed out at 1 pound.
Monty! Sorry to report that I did not get away from POOPS with your extension cord. When I saw you were missing it I thought maybe it got put in with my equipment, but it's not there.
Monty! Sorry to report that I did not get away from POOPS with your extension cord. When I saw you were missing it I thought maybe it got put in with my equipment, but it's not there.
Thanks for checking. I am sure it will turn up somewhere.
I am sorry for giving you the wrong directions to Sonic.
I said go left and it should have been right. Of course it was only 50 yards
but still I was wrong so I must admit it! Hope you didn't miss it.
Oh and for those who like frog legs....This one dressed out at 1 pound.

Your chicks are so cute!

I know lots of people eat frog legs but I could never bring myself to kill one, much less eat it. I used to play with them as a kid, and still do when I can find them!
When my kids were little I gathered up several different kinds of tadpoles and put them in an aquarium with all the things they needed to grow. As they morphed into frogs we studied them and read books on the different stages. We ended up with several different kinds of frogs but their favorite was a tree frog that liked to stick to the glass. We could see it's little suction cup toes up close. My kids still remember that and it brings back fond memories for them, as it does for me.
"I got the Texas Star Hibiscus. Where I'm thinking I REALLY want to plant it, my DH will pitch a fit if I do it before we get the new fencing up and a few other things. He plants everything IMHO haphazardly just to make my mowing more of a pain.
Anyone see a problem with repotting to a bigger pot for now?"

I brought the hibiscus, so from my 'great and extensive' experience, be careful when transplanting. Those particular hibiscus hate having their feet disturbed. I transplanted a few last year after starting them and every one of them went shocky. Most are coming back from the root this year, but I thought I had lost them all. When you do plant them, I would cut the pot off instead of trying to pull the plant out. Other than that, it should do fine in a larger pot until you are ready to give it a permanent home.

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