***OKIES in the BYC III ***

checkin in guys- Betsy- your pullets are getting close to lay- and are the sweetest girls!

so...gender check on the cochins.... all girls??

Ushas is totally broody. She settled right down onto the eggs when I moved her into the garage. Later that night I slipped out the eggs she had been sitting on, and gave her six LF Dominique eggs. I am really pleased with her temperment. Since she's so snippy and mean normally, I was rather afraid she would take chunks out of me, but she's sweet and mellow. Hatch date should be September 16.
She looks like she likes those quarters a lot better than the one the other night lol I've never had one of my girls hatch any chicks. But if I can't get my Cochin bantam shooed out from under their shed I may end up with some.
If anyone in the OKC area is looking for a nice chicken pen and coop there is one for sale in Midwest City. It is sitting on a trailer. The number is 573-280-0705. I don't know the price, I just saw it when I drove by.
Good morning everyone. Still don't have internet. we have had a busy weekend had to call the sheriff twice. took steers to town. took the truck in for condense for ac and to get a tire. Boy are at the vet with four heifers . I have the loaded gun by the back door...stupid neighbors again. I doubt Dumb and Dumber show up but Im ready. My dogs will scare him enough.
Cchickens are loving the cooler temps and eggs are abundant again.
Betsy does have amazing silkies. Out of all my chickens they are my favorite, they are so nice and keep us laughing all the time. Especially Fluffles our splash, she reminds me so much of a clumsy little old lady. Our partridge has a big 'ole booty and thinks she's tough, and our porcelain gets mad if any of the chickens make too much noise. Never a dull moment with these three.
Morning Peeps! It is a nice morning out today, enjoyed what rain we had a few days ago, chickens are laying better now and seem happier! I was reading on line this morning and ran across an article from Mother Earth News about Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, so i read it and thought I would pass along a recipe from it that helps with pain and inflammation, I have not tried it but think I will and see if it helps the pain in my back, hips, legs, knee, shoulder, arms, and hands. It is all natural and I think when i print it the article will come up also, lots of good info for pain and inflammation in it. It also stresses those allergic to aspirin should be cautious about taking aspirin like herbs, so check it out, maybe it will help some of my chicken friends too!!! Have a great day, Lynn

Dr. Duke’s CelebrADE Recipe

Instead of expensive anti-inflammatory drugs such as Celebrex, try this all-natural recipe full of helpful herbs:
Place four stalks of diced celery in a blender; cover with water. Add curry, ground black pepper and a littlecayenne pepper, grated ginger, turmeric, fresh basil and some grape leaves. Add a dash of dried basil, oregano, paprika, cumin, rosemary and sage. Blend well and drink to your health!
Use this drink with a lifestyle program that includes a balanced diet and exercise, which also will improve your chances against cancer, heart disease and diabetes (the three biggest killers in America), and will lessen the likelihood you’ll need pharmaceuticals.

Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/Natural-Health/2003-02-01/Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome-Natural-Remedies.aspx?page=4#ixzz24rOInI00
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She looks like she likes those quarters a lot better than the one the other night lol I've never had one of my girls hatch any chicks. But if I can't get my Cochin bantam shooed out from under their shed I may end up with some.
Yeah, their nest box got messy in the rain the other night. I didn't want to move her too early though and upset her.

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