Okies in the BYC The Original

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Phoenix chickens are somewhat small compared to most large breed chickens. I got this description off the web: "They are an ancient breed in Japan where they were kept in the imperial gardens. Individual males were given special care and the tail feathers sometimes developed to the fantastic length of 20 feet. Modern fowl are still unusually handsome and tails are striking although of more ordinary length". I really don't know much else about them, because I got mine from my local feed store at Easter time, and they got them in from Privett Hatchery. I just have to cut back on breeds of birds, because I want them separated by breed, and I don't think I'll be able to make enough pens!

This is the info on the livestock auction, that was listed on Craigslist: Watson's auction service has a livestock auction every thursday night in Maud oklahoma. MIsc. at 5pm.Goats and sheep at 7pm, poultry, rabbits, ducks, geese, any small animals (no dogs or cats) follow.., directions 5 miles east of Tecumseh on hwy 9 to hwy9a then south 9 miles, for info call Bobby @ 405 374-2868

Gerald and I have been there 3 times now. Lots of goats sell there ... usually over a hundred. Poultry sells last, and I heard there wasn't many birds last week. Gosh, I should take some there to sell!
I just sent you a pm but no I don't think I will go, at least if I am not at 100%.
I might still go but as of now I don't think so.
Do you have to sell your cages with the birds at Maud?
Or, is it like Harrah?
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The Maud Auction is just like Harrah. Only the birds/animals sell ... not the cage, unless you want to sell your cage.

The good thing about Maud is that the auction is held inside a metal barn with good air flow .... the 3 times we've been, we were quite comfortable, although there are flies & mosquitos that might torment you. I recommend an insect repellent. I also recommend strong willpower ... oh, how I want to bid on those adorable baby goats!

luvs2garden2000, do you think you might go to Maud Thursday night? I'm sure you'd enjoy it!
he he he gotta love em


I have about 210 chicks in 2 brooders that are 20 ft long and about 4 ft wide(total of both). Yes it is a bit cramped. Hubby is suppost to get the coop ready this weekend. IF he does I will move the 70 so crested into there. At least until I can figure what they are. I will be thinning these down quite a bit, i got talked into getting these and I am not wanting pets so probably wont keep very many of these. Then i got 60 surprise special from Ideal wating to see what they are, hoping I have some brown leghorn. Then there is in the smaller brooder about 80 or so bantams, I got them for the silkies that tend to be very broody. Once I am able to get them older to sex them, I will be getting rid of most roo's. Now I have an order in for 75 assorted pullets and 25 keets.
I am very new to raising chickens in this large amount. We had 10 up at moms and are now down to 4 hens. So I know nothing about breeds and what I want. I know I want egg layers and brooders. Not really into the plucking or skinning of these, unless my hubby will do it.
My humble advice to you would be, as soon as you can figure out what are roos (that you don't want to keep) take them to an auction and cut your losses.
By the time they get very big, you will have more invested in them than they will ever bring.
Some would do better than others just based on breed but as a rule roosters just never bring good money by themselves.
Thanks Monty, i did get them at a reduced price, so wont be to bad of a hickey. At about what age on the crested would you suggest to take to auction? I would be willing to sell pullets also of the crested. Forgot to mention all my birds have come for Ideal.
Oh i love that joker egh! Tooo funny! And the pig photos hilarious too. Mmmm fresh pork. I just finished cutting up a whole shoulder for the freezer. It wont be as good as yours though cause its not home grown sigh.
Montys right that roosters dont bring much at auction. The cresteds you might be able to sell a few of on craigslist. They'd probably do esp well on there if your offering them as trios or quads with the hens..but even the roosters alone will do *okay* sometimes.

I used to raise roosters for RAW feeders but with the price of feed up its not worth it anymore. Costs me almost $5 in feed to raise a roosters to eating age. Its worth it to me on some of my larger breeds to raise them up for our table cause i like the taste and knowing where the meat came from..but if you try to sell a full grown rooster you'll be doing good to get $3 from a private sale.. sometimes not more than .50 at auction.
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