Okies in the BYC The Original

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Well, I am just going by my experiences. Last year I grew out several gorgeous cross-breed roosters. I didn't want to sell them when they were young because they were so colorful and I wanted to see what they would look like grown. I finally sold all of them to a man in November when they were about eight months old and pretty much grown. I got $2 each for them.
This year I bought a pair of Wheaten Penedesencas at auction. for $20. Later I decided I would keep the hen and sell the roo. I took him to the same auction. I got a $3 bid and po'd him.
What I am saying is sell the roosters as soon as possible and save on your feed bill because you won't recoup what you have in them for the most part.
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I have some of the WC Black, and the Golden...just got an order in today from Ideal, as well. I sure wish you were closer as I'd take several of your Polish too.
Well maybe we can work out something, The more I sit out with them and talk to them I dont know what I want to do. I do know I dont want to have 40 roo's running around. that would be 50% of straight run. they are starting to get pretty. And they dont mind my sneaky bantams getting into the brooder. I did have a talk with them today I announced all you roo's wanna be, hear this, Mama will not take any attacks from you, I will lay you out, is that understood. They cocked their heads and just chattered at me. Hope I got it thru to them.
Did you get their bantams today, i know Rachel called me yesterday to take 50, I said no. I have plenty of them especially since i have 75 pullets and 25 keets coming next week. i have GOT to stop answering the phone.
Nope....I had placed an order in late June for these and they are standards. I have enough little banties....need big eggs! LOL
Just a reminder that I have a friend trying to sell chicks out of his Brown egg layer flock.
Some will be crosses but all will lay brown eggs.
Straight run of course and for the low price of just

ONE DOllAR each.
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Just wanted to tell you guy and gals about a web site I found called texomamarketplace.com check it out. I found a 10 hole nest that looks brand new, chicken feeders, and wire. that I bought today, Also bought some bobwhite quail and the guy give me 10 homing pigeons that were used for racing.think I did pretty good.

I am glad we have this sight for us okie sooners LOL

If anyone knows someone who needs or wants BB RED chickens I have 3 trios
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OKIE HERE THAT ISNT ON LIST!!!!! Helloooo I am Shellnokla (Shelli) i am way off in the boonies by a lil town called Barnsdall and a town if you blink you will miss called Avant .... anyway hello too all Okies out there i have been learning as i go since feb, started out with 10 guineas and 25 chicks i have 15 now in all and all are chickens no guineas left:hit i have decided chickens and dogs dont mix well lol,
oh well u live and learn.... but i love my chickens, it is hard but the experience is worth it... i am just now getting eggs so far 1 too 2 a day, today is the 1st big egg
so any suggestions on getting them too lay more would be helpful, i am feeding scratch and pellets and grass and using the oyster shell and feeding left over egg shells and left over veggies, am i missing anything ? or is it the weather? lol i even have a radio in the coop, a suggestion by a old farmer.... lol
:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome to Shelli!
I think it depends on the breed as to the age they start laying. I have a couple of breeds of banties that start laying as early as 4-5 mths of age....and heavy breeds that don't start laying till at least 7 mths of age. The heat sure doesn't help much!
Shellnokla your are from a good place my wife is from Barnsdall and we used to spend a week or two at the lake their each year until this year do to health reasons. you need to put them on laying pellets some hens slow down do to the heat I have two hens now left and I get 3 eggs every two days I say do the heat. We live in Claremore.
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