Okies in the BYC The Original

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Q, I don't eat catfish because it's not kosher. Old training dies hard. I don't eat pork for the same reason... and we shall not go into the fact that I'm not religious.

Faaerie I understand completly!!

Les I have been known to fish for carp as well, great to catch and I know some people that love to eat them but they are just not for me.
Q, it's never hard to talk me into dropping everything to go flyfishing. I know a place down by where Tara lives that has some great smallmouth bass fishing. Around here, I like to get after largemouth and crappie. But the biggest fish I ever caught (and landed) on fly line was a channel cat that went just over 8 lbs.

Man I cant wait till spring, everything is frozen right now around here, except for the docks and they are so crowded it aint no use to go!!

I am now on the look for a good BR Rooster, mine kicked the bucket today he was a little old and thought it wouldnt be long
I never learned how to fish. Is it any fun?

Oh, heck yeah. It's the most fun you can have with your clothes on.


I promised to behave myself..................................... but I agree fishing ( grunting ) yes me go fishing now !!!.

Henny - Don't you know all the hens are whispering to each other "Wow, what is that guy's deal?" while staring at the turkey. Lol

Buster - I didn't think about it that way. As long as the farmer keeps everything clean, including udders, then it should be good! Its the big dairy farmers, like my neighbors, that I wouldn't feel safe drinking unprocessed. I remember my dad talking about tasting it when they milked their cows. I think the biggest complaint from people is the amount of fat. I could use a little fat. Lol

Stimp - FISHING!!! I can't wait to go! I've been having serious withdrawals, going through my tackle box. The good thing about this time of year, alot of fishing stuff is on clearance! I've gotta get me a new pole before this summer; striper almost pulled mine apart this last fall.

I love eating fish, any kind. Haven't ate carpe yet, but I hear its not too bad. Perch is my favorite; the flavor is awesome if you have the patience to pick around the bones.

Carla - Oh I think I could get hubby to go to an auction. After all, I did go to all of his cattle auctions. I enjoy those, though... Lol. Wish I hadn't found out you had BLRW, I'm not supposed to get anymore!!

BarnSwallow - Hey! You should patent that diabetic shoe idea! Lol
Well they left me alone long enough to finish Sunday dinner, this is what I made. Grilled Chicken Fettichini Alfredo W/ A slice of Crostini on the side.



There is no crying in fishing LOL the object is to have fun and catch fish, all else matters none hehehehe. A springtime outing can be arranged, Doesn't J fish ????

There is no crying in fishing LOL the object is to have fun and catch fish, all else matters none hehehehe. A springtime outing can be arranged, Doesn't J fish ????


Umm... no. He doesn't hunt either. He *says* he doesn't hunt because he's never done it before/doesn't have the equipment/doesn't know anybody he could go hunting with/blah blah blah... but no. He sadly doesn't fish nor hunt.
There is no crying in fishing LOL the object is to have fun and catch fish, all else matters none hehehehe. A springtime outing can be arranged, Doesn't J fish ????


Umm... no. He doesn't hunt either. He *says* he doesn't hunt because he's never done it before/doesn't have the equipment/doesn't know anybody he could go hunting with/blah blah blah... but no. He sadly doesn't fish nor hunt.

What planet is he from again
????. Do you actually like this fella named J who doesn't fish or Hunt ????

Umm... no. He doesn't hunt either. He *says* he doesn't hunt because he's never done it before/doesn't have the equipment/doesn't know anybody he could go hunting with/blah blah blah... but no. He sadly doesn't fish nor hunt.

What planet is he from again
????. Do you actually like this fella named J who doesn't fish or Hunt ????


Um... he says to say that he was trained to hunt men, not animals. I told him that since I don't EAT men, it doesn't count towards supplying us with food
I'm debating learning how to hunt myself, but that will have to wait until I have a gun to use... I don't think a 9mm CZ is gonna do much

Oh, and he hunts quite well on World of Warcraft...
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