Okies in the BYC The Original

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My back is really sore tonight.I helped set up the tables and pens for our pigeon show today! We have over 600 birds registered to show!Our club is haveing the open bird show for all breeds, then there is a show roller club show and a west of england show! When I left there was already people from Alabama,Ohio,Kentucky and all over Tennessee there.Should be a fun day tomorrow!
Sounds fun! Pigeons!

Dang...that sounds fun Peaches...but I am going to a football game! We are gonna watch Dallas get thumped! We are betting that we get to move to the good seats and possible try out for the coaching position.

Stimpy!!!! The party is on!

Sooner quit whining and come to the party! bring Cuban with you...I am driving like twice that.

Don't be hating on the Mudds...I am related...
Its a lot harder to set up for those things than people know.
I helped set up for the Shawnee show last year and man I was worn out and sore too.
Good luck tomorrow. I am sure you will have a blast.
I was thinking it was a shame that I wouldn't make it for those game hens but was thinking of finding a bidder!

Not sure about the rolling time...say 1 or so...not positive...

Just one boy...the other is playing ball. He is hoping to hang with yours...yeah...it is the one that thinks like yours so we will have to watch them...
My older one has himself a girlfriend...year older and a head taller...I might be upset but her mom is another teacher and she is a great kid...they hold hands while they walk their lambs...
Its only four hours or so. Not much of a trip for a tripper. Would love to see ya!

Haha, only four hours one way!!! I'll have to do as Quenston does & get a room somewhere close.
Who you trying to kid Cuban! We know you are just interested in those game chickens that are going to be there!lol

Dang, didn't think I was that transparent! Lol those hatch would go great with the spangled bates & blueface I have.
Who you trying to kid Cuban! We know you are just interested in those game chickens that are going to be there!lol

Dang, didn't think I was that transparent! Lol those hatch would go great with the spangled bates & blueface I have.

You have blueface hatch? HMMMMM! I might be making a road trip. What other game do you have?
What are Spangled Bates? Got any pics. Do you have green legged hatch?
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