Okies in the BYC The Original

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Awesome! It was like Christmas when I got all those eggs from you. Doubt I will be cursing you if they all hatch. My husband might, but I won't.

What are Onagadori? Guess I'm gonna have to look them up. Sounds interesting.
Okay, I looked them up. Pretty. Figured it would have a long tail. Here's to good hatching juju!!!
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I have a mean mean rooster. I bought three white chochins at the auction last Saturday and by Monday his true colors came out. Does anyone want him to eat????? I have four chicks ready to go outside and 43 that are in the brooder and starting to get their wing feathers. I have two eggs in the incubator that are ready to hatch. These two eggs are some that Sonya got from POOPS. Anyway, any suggestions on the mean roo?
My husband takes care of those for me. We have a no tolerance rule on aggressive roosters. If they attack me more than once, they are disposed of quickly.
Evening all :

Luvs :
Tell that hard headed old man get to the doc it's already way past time, this is coming from a guy who never goes to doctors.

City/Beth :
Glad to see you back in the swing with us.

Monty/Stimpy/Teach and the ole crew how you boy's doin?.

I had a fun day today with my girls and Graduation, they sure grow up fast!!!. Here are some highlights from today.

Say goodbye to the 8th grade

The proud parents & Graduate

her math teacher is a good friend and golf partner I thought that might pay off LOL.
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I think your right about her not looking like me LOL, now where in the Heck is that mailman!!! LOL.

I hear the next four are going to drive me nut's LOL.

Well yeah there is that boy thing coming up.
I should shot the ones hangin around here back when I had the chance.. I fed one and now I can't get rid of him.
Hey dont feel bad it also seems when I get on here everyone goes oh crap there is that one guy with the funny name and then POOF gone!!!!!
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