OMG 1st baby is here!


14 Years
May 7, 2008
We were getting ready for bed and one of the kids past by the bator and said " I hear a chirp" I really thought they were all duds. Im the fool who didn't plan on this really happening. I have the brooder ready but not really sure when I should move "her". Dry and fluffy? My chickens were all killed from the dogs next door and borrowed a bator and threw the eggs in right away. I HAVE ONE OF THEIR KIDS! (so far) 18 eggs total.
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That is the best part! That you have one of the babies. So sorry to hear about the loss. Hope these new babies bring you lots of joy! Congratulations. I never hatched so not sure when to move to the brooder. Hopefully someone else lets you know.
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Don't move until your hatch is complete ! Opening the bator causes you to lose Hum and can ruin other eggs !
Chick can be in there for several days. they don't need food and water as they have just absorbed the yolk. That's why they ship day old chicks as they won't need food or water for the trip.
Thank you all for your wishes. My bator is from the 1950's so it only has one little hole to look in. I have to wait til brooder for pics. There were so many ups and downs with temp and no clue on what humidity was but DH kept saying no worry this is old school and they did it this way then so it will work this way now. Well so far IT WORKED! I was so heart broken about what happened and not "into it" at the moment, he took care of the bator everyday. This day is soooo amazing!
Thank you!
I pulled a mattress next to the bator... this is going to be a long night! LOL! My boss had to tease me when I called in sick for tomorrow.
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