OMG I am so excited !!!!!!

I need to set up a trail camera or something to watch these kinds of interactions!
At least she knows the egg is there and she's been caring for it. :)
I have a small solar powered wifi camera mounted in the corner of my run since I don't have power ran out there. Got it off Amazon for $70.


Egg #3 - Daffy has laid her eggs pretty much around the same time of day so far and I have learned her behavior right before she lays where she will go back and forth to where she wants to lay for about 30 mins prior. She kept going to the back left of the property, underneath our elephant ears this morning and sure enough, that's where she laid her 3rd egg.



Needless to say I immediately picked it up and put it in the house with the other two, made sure she knew where it was, and kept her in the run briefly to give her a chance to go check on the egg a couple of times before letting her right back out.


Did you know Elephant ears are poisonous? I had to get rid of my fox glove because it is poisonous to my birds.
Yes, I did discover that in researching months ago but...because I read that ducks have a natural instinct not to eat poisonous plants, I supervised to see if they would attempt to eat them before ripping them out. Believe me when I say, at the beginning of my research I was ready to rip every plant, shrub, weed, and grass out of my yard to make sure that they stayed safe is an understatement LOL. However, I have watched them bite onto a leaf once, shake their head like it was sour, and never have touched them again. Perhaps I am getting lucky so far but I am still planning to rip them out due to plans of building a she-shed in that spot.
Being born and raised in Florida Elephant ears were everywhere. And we had one in our yard growing up my brother and a neighbor's kids tried chewing on a leaf and it burned the inside of their mouths. That was so long ago but I still remember this. I know mine will try to nibble different things out in their fenced property but I didn't want to take any chances when it came to fox glove.

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