On Lockdown! - My Ancona hatch *Pics on p. 3, 5, 6*

YAY!!! Congrats! You think s/he's cute now, wait til the fluffing-up! And look out... the chocolates in my flock seem to be very loud about expressing their opinions. You may have just met your new boss ;-)

Hopefully everyone else will hatch effortlessly - so far so good!
The first duckling is doing well. He's walking around pushing the other eggs and has started harrassing his siblings that are pipping. DH and I did end up very carefully widening the pip holes for the two eggs that pipped 30+ hours ago. One of them stuck its little beak out. Well, little Morning Glory went over and started messing with his sibling. The one in the egg let out such a squawk!

I have been able to maintain the humidity at 80% even with opening the incubator a couple of times, but I'm going to be very conservative. Oh, and another egg pipped! That means I currently have 6 eggs with pips and one that has hatched. This hatch might take a while to complete but I'm OK with that as long as I end up with healthy birds.
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The first duckling is doing well. He's walking around pushing the other eggs and has started harrassing his siblings that are pipping. DH and I did end up very carefully widening the pip holes for the two eggs that pipped 30+ hours ago. One of them stuck its little beak out. Well, little Morning Glory went over and started messing with his sibling. The one in the egg let out such a squawk!

I have been able to maintain the humidity at 80% even with opening the incubator a couple of times, but I'm going to be very conservative. Oh, and another egg pipped! That means I currently have 6 eggs with pips and one that has hatched. This hatch might take a while to complete but I'm OK with that as long as I end up with healthy birds.
Congrats, what a beautiful duckling..
Duck #2 is out, but I'm worried about it. I think I saw unabsorbed yolk attached to it. I had a hatchery chick shipped to me with the same condition and it didn't make it. Hope this little one does!

I'm not sure what color this will end up being. Lavender maybe?

Morning Glory keeps pestering the chicks that are hatching. I'm going to move her out into the brooder soon just to give the others some peace! She's sitting over the pips and poking at anything and everything.

And another egg pipped! That makes two ducks hatched and seven pips.
Duck #2 is out, but I'm worried about it. I think I saw unabsorbed yolk attached to it. I had a hatchery chick shipped to me with the same condition and it didn't make it. Hope this little one does!

I'm not sure what color this will end up being. Lavender maybe?

Morning Glory keeps pestering the chicks that are hatching. I'm going to move her out into the brooder soon just to give the others some peace! She's sitting over the pips and poking at anything and everything.

And another egg pipped! That makes two ducks hatched and seven pips.
She may peck at the yolk sac, I'd move her out and give this lil one a chance to finish absorbing it's sac and then it will dry and fall off.
Duck #2 is out, but I'm worried about it. I think I saw unabsorbed yolk attached to it. I had a hatchery chick shipped to me with the same condition and it didn't make it. Hope this little one does!

I'm not sure what color this will end up being. Lavender maybe?

Morning Glory keeps pestering the chicks that are hatching. I'm going to move her out into the brooder soon just to give the others some peace! She's sitting over the pips and poking at anything and everything.

And another egg pipped! That makes two ducks hatched and seven pips.
I helped my ducklings out and my second one has the unabsorbed yolk but in about a few hours he had absorbed it. i agree with taking him/her out and seperating them. dont worry too much about it should all be fine :D
She may peck at the yolk sac, I'd move her out and give this lil one a chance to finish absorbing it's sac and then it will dry and fall off.

Yeah, I worried about that happening. Morning Glory is snug in her brooder and this little guy is safe from her attentions.
It does look like the sac is getting smaller.

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