One duck left... Now what should I do?


Sep 21, 2017
Hi, I posted a thread last week about introducing new ducklings after I was left with only a drake and a hen due to a string of predator attacks. Well, I woke up this morning to find that a predator (allegedly the raccoon I caught in a live trap) had manged to get through my newly secured duck pen, scratch my drake's eyes out, turn him inside out, stretch his neck, and fold him on top of himself, eating nothing but their feed. This left only my hen, Lillian alive. I know someone who recently got rid of their chickens that was willing give me their Eglu for free, so I have a new home for her, but I am sure she will grow lonely very quickly, so I would like to get her some new quacking companions. I've resolved to buy ducklings, as I enjoy the bonding time I am able to have with them when they are young, but I would rather not get them until the weather is warmer, which won't be for another month. How long until she becomes lonely and bored? Is this the best course of action I could take? Any advice will be helpful.
Well, I woke up this morning to find that a predator (allegedly the raccoon I caught in a live trap) had manged to get through my newly secured duck pen,

So sorry for your losses. :(

You need to have a better understanding of secure I think. :confused: 1/2 inch hardware cloth on all openings and a hardware cloth skirt. Until you've got this 100% under control... (dispatched the predator correctly, and RE secured the coop)... your girl will be dead before lonely. :barnie Sorry, not trying to be ugly here at all. :hugs Sometimes new weakness in our defense is revealed as the old ones get secured. I know it's a process sometimes.

Beyond that... as far as a month goes... yes she will probably get lonely. But she may still be in shock from the attacks as well. Though it may not be ideal, I would suggest that you keep to your plan that will work for YOU, and spend as much time with her as you can yourself between now and then to help combat the loneliness. It will probably be rewarding for both of you.

I have seen those Eglu coops... very nice that a friend has one for you to use! I do not personally know what their strength and weaknesses are, but they probably do have experience to share to help you make sure it is secured as well as possible.

Raccoon are nasty, vicious predators.

I don't know too much about duck enrichment activities, but hopefully you will get some helpful pointers to get you both through this time. :fl
Thank you so much for your advice. You are definitely right, my pen was not secure and from now on I will be keeping my hen in her Eglu within my garage rather than risking her security.

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