One of my girls stole the bandaid right off my leg


8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
Branson, missouri
was out in coop cut my leg and put ointment and a bandaid on it . Went back out to finish watering them and they zero'd in on my bandaid and one of my BR took it right off my leg and was running aournd the coop carrying it in her little mouth!!! with the other chasing he. she dropped it and another chickie picked it up before i could grab it. It took me a good 10 min to get that bandaid. I was so afraid they would swallow it and obstruct their crop with it. but i won the chickens game of keep away haha. I love these guys so much!!

Donna in branson
Awe, naughty chickens!
My 10 week old Australorp ripped a pearl earring out of my ear last week and was running around playing keep away with it!
I finally caught her and she dropped it like a dog playing fetch! Needless to say, I try to remember to remove my earrings before visiting the coop.
I was ready for her today when she went after my bandaged finger!
Warning for all light-skinned human folks.....

Chicks LOVE moles, skin-tags, liver spots - you name it, if it's a 'spot' they'll be peckin' at it!

My 9yo has a mole on the inside of his can bet he's using his OTHER hand to offer treats from! He got pinned pretty well by our 5wk old chicks! Poor kid. He's fine, chick's fine, but he won't use that hand any more near the chicks!

Good thing they didn't take to pecking your cut! Yee-ouch!
Gross, but they like scabs too. Had one rip a tiny scab off my hand. Little snot. Oh, and they like the tattoo I have on the inside of my wrist. It's black lettering. LOL! They haven't gone for my face yet but I think of all the folks on this board who have mentioned getting pecked in the eye. Ouch!
my partner had a chicken jump up and peck at her tooth! that was a surprise and called for a thorough mouth-washing.

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