One of the new kittens gravely ill- reached Rainbow Bridge

Me too, although I don't think he's going to. He's been a real trooper, but unless a miracle happens I just don't see him pulling through this. The last 3 days have been horribly devestating to me emotionally. I get too attached to animals. Whenever one dies, a part of me dies with them. Sounds crazy I know. A weird part of me deep down wishes that if he is going to go that he would just go. I don't want him to suffer. Pray that God will give me a sign to tell me when enough is enough.
You got my prayers. I feel for all animals. My daughters pain in the butt parakeet died on Monday and I cried like a little kid. It looked so sad. I never even cared for the bird. Alyssa was upset and that also made it worse on me. She has the same bond with animals that I have.
Here's a couple of pics I took today so you guys could get a better idea on how small he is. I have one of my standard blue cochin chicks standing next to him. The cochins were a week old yesterday. Please ignore the bleach stained towels. They are used for the puppies. Although they look horrible, they are very clean.


He has that look in his eyes that he's pretty much given up. Unfortunately I've seen that look more than I care to remember. My vet has said that they have "switch" in their brain that will shut down and when that happens it doesn't matter what we do for them it's pretty much over. I hate that waiting for the end to come. Hopefully he'll be the exception and recover.
Unfortunately Katy, I see the same thing in his eyes. His gums are no longer colored. Just a whitish grey. All he is at this point is fur. There is no meat on his body whatsoever. It hasn't been because I didn't try, he just isn't thriving. I think my mind has switched over to the nurse mode. That mode for me is a lot easier when dealing with things of this nature. It's one where I feel and deal with later, but I just do what I have to do for little Saske. Right or wrong, that's how I'm coping right now. I hope he doesn't pass when the kids are home though. I won't be able to do right by Saske when I'm the mom dealing with my children's broken hearts. Thanks for being there for me everyone. It is appreciated more than you know.
I had two kittens given to me from a friend I worked with. One was a Manx and that was the one my son fell in love with named her cyclone. My daughter had the other kitten she named Poptart. Well we took them to the vet for shots, spaying and to be declawed. Sent a ton of money on them. Well my sons kitten started getting sick 2 months later. Lost weight, sleepy all the time so took her back to the vet and found out she had Feline Leukemia and had it bad. Had to have her put to sleep and a month later same thing with poptart. I called my friend and told her what had happen she told me all of the kittens from that litter had died from it. I told her that the vet said they got it from the mother cat and she shouldn't have anymore babies. I don't know what happen after that I haven't talk to them in a while. But it's sad because all them kittens suffered and my kids were upset most of all. I hope your kitten pulls through and leads a happy healthy life.
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Thank you Poison Ivy. The thought of Leukemia had passed my mind as well. I lost my girl "Patches" to it 4 years ago. Although all my cats are immunized with everything they can be immunized for, it doesn't always mean they won't get it. Here is an old picture of the neighbor kids with Patches the day she died.


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