Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I did the same thing yesterday, what a good feeling it was.

As far as the roo, he needs to be rehomed. I can't butcher and neither will DH. (I don't eat chicken) I nailed him solidly with a galvanized bucket, it just made him worse. If someone wants him I will give him away. He was too small for eating though, the little stinker.

MagsC, lilacs? Heavenly!
Ranchie yesterday I spent about $3000 in 30 minutes. I thought DH was gonna faint
We were pretty behind on things
I hate chemical strippers for a number of reasons, namely the mess. I can scrape for a bit with glass, walk away and scrape another day, but i'm a putz and don't like to get too carried away.

Besides, that stripper can bleach the wood and loosen joints.

Hi ya, Ranchie, good to see you too!!!
So were we hon, so were we. I think everyone is holding on to the pennies a bit longer these days, but it will all settle out eventually. Meanwhile, hold on and try to enjoy the ride!
Being broke has not ever stopped me from having fun
Besides, it's the only ride I've got....may as well make the best of it
OK, I'm jealous. I can't get a lilac bush to grow down here to save my hide. Winters aren't long enough for lilacs(go figure). We do, however, have gardenias and magnolias(which smell unbelievable), so I guess I can't complain too much.
My azaleas are budding, and I hope to see my Lilies and Irises coming out soon. I think my rose bush has some buds too! I have seen some daffodils bloomed around here and there too. Spring...blessed Spring is on it's way!! We got the coop cleaned out this week...thanks to DH mostly, and the chooks are lovin it! My tomatoes are coming up in the house, and I hope they do well. I need to find a tractor to break the ground and get it ready SOON. I can't WAIT for my big garden this year!!!
I have to laugh! Tonight's dinner was SOS, something I remember well but had never made. Talk about comfort food, it was wonderful and cost about $4.00 for a meal for two and leftovers tomorrow.
Because of finances being tight, I have embraced more frugal ways about everything.

<<<<note my title

And is has been a great mental and physical challenge. DH's tomato seeds are sprouting, and no telling what else he'll plant. I have heard of hardship all my life and it scared me. And have concluded that it is 98% attitude. Our goal is to keep the property. Everthing else is optional.

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