Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

DITTO! We had a $4 pack of chicken that will feed us for 3 meals, and veggie's with......yep...CORNBREAD. Cheap filling cornbread every night just like mom used to make it...lol. The kids snack on it. I hate it, but I am not a bread eater anyway. I make everything from scratch, and make meals to feed the 5 of us that cost under a dollar per person. Leftovers get reheated, and nothing is cooked on Fidays much. We pull everything from the week, cut it into bite size pieces, heat it all and have a buffet dinner
Ya gotta get creative sometimes!
ranchhand, Sheila, yeah I started a lilac hedge all around the property, they are finally starting to get some size to them. I did it primarily for privacy of course,lol.

Gardenias and magnolias, now THAT is something to be jealous of!
Mmmm...the smell of gardenias....
Cindiloohoo, I am hoping for my irises soon as well. I have a family heirloom iris all around the property(heirloom because my great aunt "made" this variety). They are purple and smell like grapes.
Planning on making an order for more seeds with a place out of Maine (Pinetree?). I am focusing primarily on veggies that have a long storage life.
Ooo. As far as our supper went, I was busy cooking a boneless turkey breast we have had up in the freezer for a while. So guess what we will be having for a few days? Turkey leftovers.....my daughter says "just like thanksgiving''!
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Cindi, a good southern gal that doesn't like cornbread? I was also raised on eating a lot of cornbread(large family with one income) and I still make a lot of it. Good thing DH loves it!
Maggie, I need to dry some gardenias and send them to you so you can enjoy their scent for a while.
I wanted all heirloom for seed saving this year..but I don't always get what I want..lol. I settled on a few things just because I can't justify spending money for shipping
Eh..it is what it is. Those Irises sound lovely...with the smell of grapes, I would be in heaven. I gave the mail lady about 50 last year to thin mine out. They are running over everything. I couldn't even see my Stonecrop last year for all of them! DH made me some more room in the flower garden by running down my favorite rose bush while trying to park the RV....I wanted to cry, but I sucked it in because he already felt horrible. I will miss it this year though. It was LOADED down with blooms and just gorgeous. I don't even know what kind it was
Good memories though. My mother picked a bouquet to take home EVERY time she visited, it made me feel good to make her so happy. She LOVES flower's and was the inspration for me having a garden to start with.
If you want to discuss frugal cooking, when I was stationed in Germany, my first wife and I had to really stretch our budget with creative meals. At the time I made $115 per month so there wasn't much for anything but the bare essentials. I'd buy a chicken and a box of Bisquick and we'd making chicken and dumplings and then only eat the dumplings. We'd keep making more dumplings and washing that same bird until it literally fell apart. Surprizingly I still like chicken and dumplings.
Hun when you have it with pinto beans and cornbread EVERY night for 18+ years...even a good southern girl gets her fill of it...lol! We were dirt poor when I was a kid, and that's what we ate or went to bed hungry. Period...lucky to have chicken on Sunday..LOL! It's funny NOW, but it sure weren't then
I did gain some tremendous skills from my poor raising though, so I'm not bitter in the least. Momma did what she could, and it was plenty

I have 10 chickens. I get brown, green and white eggs. I get anywhere from 2 to 7 eggs a day right now.
My oldest hens are 8 years, and still laying. two are RIR and one is an EE.

My day went very well today!
I may be wrong, but I THINK lilacs like alkaline soil, azaleas and dogwood prefer acid soil.

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