Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

What a sweet offer Maggie. I truly appreciate that.

Glad you had fun at your tennis lesson today PK-I played in college, but haven't played in years.
I "got after" my extra coop and pen today. After many hours of backbreaking labor...... I still have a couple or three days work left.

The run cover is only 5' high and I am 5'6", at least. So I want to raise the roof, literally! The coop is covered with rusty corrugated tin, and I intend to keep that, but I want to enclose the coop for better security. I've started with plywood on the front, have torn off the old run covering - now the rebuilding starts anew. Hopefully run and coop will end up comfortable for both feathered and not.
Sprite, dare I ask what a manga is?

Ranchie, I assume from your post with regard to feathered or not that you fall into the not category.
My age must really be getting to me. I could see enjoying comic books but one that is backwards makes no sense. I supposed next you'll tell me you have to read them in a mirror while standing on your head.

Your attitude with regard to sales people at the door is warranted. I once was had a couple of ladies who would stop by every few weeks in a vain attempt to save my soul. One day they came by and I went to the door only wearing a towel. They became so uncomfortable they were able to tell me everything about Jesus in under three minutes. They've never returned.
Why Sam, I'm surprised they didn't come back daily!

I like anime art, but I am so ignorant about it all that I embarrass myself. I just like all of PK's avatars! They are fun!
Sally-good job on the coop/run construction!
PBS has a show that just started called "The Natural History of Chickens"-have to watch it.
Yeah, something similar happened to me and Cassidy while at the store. ( Old place) A young lady came up behind me in a parking lot, while we were putting bags in our car. I spun around kind of startled, and she tried to hand me a flyer or booklet. That went badly for her. I lectured her 15 mins on how approaching people in a parking lot, from behind is a safety hazard for her.

So me and Cass get in my car, and I said to Cass, yep, I'm probably going to hell for that one, but I'm sorry, lack of common sense bothers me more.
Cass just laughed.


My daughter draws anime. She makes storyboards, has been begging me for a tablet and adobe photoshop suite. I have to keep up with this stuff now. It's changed so much over the years.
She knows I know how to use it all. I went to college for it years ago.

Well the sun has long set and the fire's about burned down so it's time for me to saddle up and ride on out of here.

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