Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

My DH has ringtones like that. For mine its End of the World by Skeeter Davis cause I sang it at karaoke one night and he likes the way I sing it. Unfortunatly my phone isnt that fancy. Happy Fathers Day Opa and all the fathers out there .
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Over the years I have been called many things and a few of them have even been complimentary. I like to joke that I've been called everything a man can be called except twice to eat. In truth being called Dad is a title that was given just because of having fathered a child. It is how ever a name that I have tried very hard to merit. Being a father continues to give me tremendous joy and as sons both natural and adopted have become fathers themselves the name change from Dad to Opa brought even more.

Happy Fathers Day to all you other roosters.
Been taking rides in the car with hubby after radiation, making the days better, change of view from sitting in the lazy boy or up in bed all day. He has been driving as he feels better.

Seems the laws in Ohio have changed drastically for the worse for transporting and setting up mobile homes. What cost only $400 3 years ago is now under all kinds of government permits and regulations and fines and it's going to cost ten times that to bring in a trailer and get it approved and set up right and signed off on inspections. Just doesn't seem right.

I am thrilled at Opa's hatching successes the last few days.......that new incubator of his must be working fine!

I'm excited and getting ready for CHICKENSTOCK and meeting up with everyone there. Bringing silkies it looks like again, they got all fixed from last weeks excitement and vet visits approved. Have 13 of them in my kennel and they are a few weeks old and cuter than ever! I'm thinking of giving them a bit of a wash so they will be pretty with those feathered feet.

It's time to turn in for the night! Good morning to all you night owls and early birds, my alarm goes off at 8 am, but the cats come by all night and the wren goes off at about 6:30 am or so. Making the daughter to the radiation run with her dad while I get some chores done around here.

Bonnie in Ohio soon to be in Wellie Heaven after Chickenstock!!
Yesterday morning I was up early and got the garden hoed before it go to terribly warm. Yesterday it was 86 with matching humidity and while for some of my southern friends that sounds practically balmy, for me it was miserable. I hate hot weather. You can never take off enough clothes to become comfortable. Some days even a birthday suit feels like you've overdressed.

When I finished the weeded I decided that the plants would appreciate a drink. I have two sprinklers 7' in the air at 2 opposing corners of the garden. They are set with a 110 degree angle fan pattern so their interlocking spray covers everything fairly well. Watering still isn't as effective as rainfall so I used the tried and true method to induce rain; I sprayed the orchard. Seems like every time I spray it will rain in less than 24 hours thereby negating or reducing the effectiveness of the chemicals.

Chicks are hatching and not opening the incubator certainly is a hard task. The new incubator is great because you can see every egg in it. The little windows on the old styrofoam incubator make it almost impossible to see inside and between the broken shells and the movings chicks it's difficult to see each egg. I may wait until this afternoon and gently raise one side to get the eggs to roll into view.
We've had rain all week and it is set to continue. Wish I was having the weather you guys are having instead!

How is the hatch going?
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The Welsummers are in the old incubator and it looks like 14 out of 22 have hatched and the bantams are in the new incubator so I can see them very well. I removed a lot of eggs on day 18 that had failed to develop and now the 14 remaining eggs are very visible. One spangled hamburg completely zipped yesterday morning and quit, 3 vorwerks have hatched and 2 spangled hamburgs. Two BBS Orpingtons have pipped as of an hour ago.

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