Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I never have made vinegar but now that you have reminded me I will. I have thought several times that I need to do that since organic vinegar is so expensive.
Just checking in. Katia passed to the south of us so we didn't get much more than a few hours of strong wind and some heavy rain but nothing too bad. Hope everything is ok with you Jena.
Thistle, I was glad to read that Katia stayed far enough south that you didn't have to face what so many had to endure with hurricane Irene. Weather sure controls our lives doesn't it? We are already looking at the potential for frost and once that happens the reality of winter isn't far off. Yesterday I got all of Hope's house plants back into the house so I would have to worry about those.

Yesterday morning I took the two sets of chicks with broodies and place them in separate cages and returned the hens to their respective flocks. I have a wall of cages in the main coop and moving them allowed me to clean the area where they had been. The cage is 18" wide and 24" tall and the wire spacing is about one inch. As a precaution I had attached some plastic hardware cloth across the front of the cages to ensure the birds could get out. The piece of hardware cloth wasn't quite large enough to reach the top but I assumed it was good enough. Imagine my surprise to discover last night when I went to gather eggs the two 3 week old Welsummer pullets were missing.

The building is divided into a work/storage area and a coop area. The cages are in the work area and located about 5' off the floor. I looked everywhere, under the cages, under the storage shelves, moved the feed bins, everywhere they could have hidden. No birds. Hope came out to help me look and she discovered them outside in the run. Somehow they had gotten out of the cage, flown up though the openings in the wire of the door to the coop, negotiated their way through the coop, out through the popout door and into the run.
I had hoped to pick some more apples today but I think the rain is going to prevent me from doing so. Since I had intended to peel, core, and slice apples for the freezer I don't want to do it unless I can do all I intend to freeze at one time. I'd hate having to clean up the mess twice.

In just over a week I will be heading south and I sure am looking forward to it. Yesterday I talked with Scott, my youngest, and he is really looking forward to us being there. I'm sure that his enthusiasm is solely generated by his desire to spend time with me and not the list of projects that he wants my help on. Joe, my oldest, has his list of things he wants help with so it looks like I might have a busy week.

I have to get in touch with another BYCer that lives in Oklahoma, about 250 miles from where I'll be. He wanted a Welsummer rooster from my stock and when I said I would bring one with me he said he would come a get it. I have to verify that he still wants he since I don't want to haul a bird if it doesn't have a home.
Boy it sure is getting cold out. Last week it was 85 and humid, and now we are lucky if it is 60. If I wasn't such a stubborn Yankee, I would have the heat on today. That's okay, we went apple picking on Sunday so the oven is going to be on a lot and maybe that will warm it up in here a little.

Hope everyone is doing well, Opa you must be really looking forward to your trip. Have a great time. I myself would love to go somewhere warm and tropical.
Getting into fall down here, too. I love it, nice porch sitting weather. The dogs have really perked up, hard to get them in sometimes!

Not much going on in the chicken world- still trying to rehome some roosters, they're so cute I am amazed they haven't been snapped up. Rehomed the ducks the other day to a nice family with a pond and more ducks, DH is much relieved at not having to clean up after the piglets.

Dh has been pretty wonderful about doing all the chores while I've been under the weather, it's been fun watching him learn stuff that he never needed to know before now.

Opa, you and Hope are going to have a grand time. The perfect time of year to go!
Have a great trip, Opa!

It's been rather quiet over here. Not much going on except school and studying for the PSAT. I've been trying to plan my November novel, but it really hasn't been going too well since I keep getting distracted.

to all!

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