Oprah at the beef packing plant-Feb 1

LOL....it's on the verge of exploding I think!!!!

They don't want the truth......the truth wouldn't give them any villian to fight against or any cause to fight for. They'd have to find something else to p&m about.

So true, so true. Just makes you wonder why the nonsense continues.

Honestly, I think it should be mandatory education, along with reading, writing, and arithmetic, to learn where your food comes from and how it gets to the grocery store. The educational system is severely lacking in this department.
I can't stand those who believe EVERYTHING they read. I live at a cattle feedyard (the 2nd largest in Texas), my husband manages this feedyard. Nothing is pumped full of hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals
Animals are not always sick.
Just know, 99% of what you read is biased and not always true. I live this, every day. Everything here is done on the straight and narrow. Nothing 'lives out their lives' here.
If what "you" read was true, cattle farmers and ranchers would have been broke a long time ago. Everything is done to keep animals healthy. Sick and stressed animals = no $$.

Now my head hurts
Please, we are dopes for the man. We don't know what we're doing. You know we beat these animals, keep them high on drugs, and then boil them alive. It's time we fess up.
Who would know better than those that read these articles rather than live the life. After all people in the organic movement have no agenda, they are all salt of the earth only looking out for their fellow man. Never once trying to make a dollar off of their labor.

Excuse me while I go get sick.
Gee thanks... I am not a city slicker just "reading". I even have "factory farm" experience...
I worked on a very large veal farm for a few years .. I am quite familar with what industry practices are!

So the use of medicated starter for chicks that show no symptoms is not common practice?

What rGBH is only used by dairy producers when they need a little extra production?

Some 29 million pounds of antibiotics are not given to livestock annually? Many of which do not need a prescription? (The numbers keep going up every decade!)

ONE thing is certain: It is a debate indeed, and a growing number of folks becoming more and more concerned.


Here is my disclaimer:::
I am biased...Yes

I am pro local, pro organic, and I may benefit financially from from selling organic/locally produced goods...

Please admit your bias, because your livelihoods depend on things NOT changing....

Both sides have an agenda... My side is mostly grass roots, your side is corporate lobbyists in Washington..


I am done here.. This is off topic!
First there is no such thing as a factory farm ...that is a term coined by "groups" seeking to insite uneducated consumers.

Chick starter as a rule does not contain antibiotics. The amprol is a preventative against coccidiosis. It allows the bird's gut to become accustomed to the coccidia in the soil without it being overwhelmed.

I'm not going to comment about the milk hormone.....I'm not that familiar with how many dairymen actually use it.

Where do your figures for the antibiotics come from....from the links that you post? From the links I've looked at they seem to be pro-organic.....post some from an unbiased source and I might put more stock in what they have to say. And that is part of the issue. When people have no first hand knowledge of how a business works....and farming is a business as well as a lifestyle ......they can only make their decisions on what they read....not what they live on a day to day basis. The truth is there isn't a source for info out there that isn't biased one way or another. I look at the "experts on agriculture" who really have no first hand current knowledge the same as I'd look at a person trying to tell a doctor how to do his job based only what they've read. When it boils down to it they don't know diddle about what they think they do.

If you think your side is grass roots and my side is someone in Washington you are truely delusional. There is no group more grass roots than we farmers.

Am I biased towards my way of life? Sure I am, but not for the reason you state.......Farming has always been in a constant state of change.

I've said many times, I don't care how or what anyone chooses to eat and feed their family. I feed my family as natural as I can......but I'm not so paranoid that I think that everything on the grocery store shelf is going to kill me and them.

Unless you grow everything that you consume both as edibles and other consumer goods you are one of the people who complains about modern farming with your mouth full. A very ungrateful group of people.
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LOL....it's on the verge of exploding I think!!!!

They don't want the truth......the truth wouldn't give them any villian to fight against or any cause to fight for. They'd have to find something else to p&m about.

So true, so true. Just makes you wonder why the nonsense continues.

Honestly, I think it should be mandatory education, along with reading, writing, and arithmetic, to learn where your food comes from and how it gets to the grocery store. The educational system is severely lacking in this department.


AGREED! (Along with real-life math)
i will eat red meat untill God tells me I cant. I like meat, but I have to agree some.. meat packer practices arent pretty

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