
Great idea CL. My wife and I are talking about coming up from the coast, if for nothing else than to meet some of the wonderful people on this forum. Maybe someone will want this handsome boy... We already changed his name to Rodney.... I think he's happy, seemed to grow an inch overnight LOL :)

It would be great to meet you!!! Hope you can make it!

Oh, and I am going to go post hotel info for anyone driving a distance that doesn't want to turn around and drive home that evening...
CL It's Cinco De Mayo... Somebody needs to be BBQing some carne asada :) no Polio so as not to offend the crowd :)

LOL I know, wish we could!!!

Oh, BTW, IF anyone wants to bring their own food to grill, etc, there are BBQ pits / areas in several spots in the park...just need briquettes, lighter fluid, and grillable food of choice.
Checking in from a deep woods gravel-road farm near the rainy Central Coast Range hamlet of SWISSHOME! My first batch of 15 peeps from MPC is due at the post office tomorrow or day next. I've got my brooder light running, everything all set up and ready, and the coop/run about half done. One other family here on the ranch has adult chickens, but we have different ideas on chicken-keeping, so I am getting my own flock to pamper and care for. I have some chicken experience, but these will be my first chicks!
Posting here, as well as, the swap thread. I'm looking for a couple or three or four adult hens to go in with my current four year-old girls (Miss Americauna; LaShequa the Jersey Giant; the Misses Janie and Clara Orpington) to liven up the coop a bit. I'd like to find RIR, Barred Rock and/or Wyandotte grown up hens since my current girls are rather old biddies. Anyone out there who needs to rehome some ladies? Non-layers, or those who have slowed down are OK. Also want to buy a couple of Muscovy adult hens.
Thanks to all who can help!
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