Organic Chick Feed


9 Years
May 14, 2010
Spokane, WA
Hi all,

I live in Spokane, WA and there is no where is town that sells organic chick feed. Since we are going to be selling the chickens in a few months for meat, we need to be sure we are using organic feed. I recently went to Aslin Finch and they said that I could use their organic crumbles and just add flax seed or soybean for the extra protein. What do you all think of that?


It sounds like that would be possible, just make sure you do the protein calculations carefully. Determine the protein value of the crumbles first. Then determine the protein value of whatever you are going to use as a supplement. Then figure the protein value of the crumbles + supplement by volume of each ingredient to determine the protein value of the combined feed.

Let us know how it goes.
If you're going for organic, watch out for the soy bean meal! 91% of all soy beans grown in this country are Genetically Modified (GMO), and not something I would want in my chicken feed, and then coming down the line to me through the eggs/meat! There are some very scary things they are crossing into the grains these days, so if you can find GMO free grains, you'd be better off. Here is a link that gives some info on GMO products to watch for, and also just what kind of "things" they are coming up with. This is progress????!

RE: organic chicken feed in Spokane WA.

You are in luck. I live in central Idaho but drive all the way to Spokane for my corn free, soy free organic chicken feed. Both Northwest Seeds on Sprague & North Division carry it & so does Sun People's Dry Goods. Scratch & Peck is completely unprocessed & in it's natural state, not processed or pelleted. The do have a new non GMO corn feed now too, your choice, but NO soy. They have all the ranges of feed you would need from chick starter to scratch. Go check it out!

Good luck. (oh, and they are the most reasonably priced I've found)

@khalpern and @Cooky, I know this post is super old, but do you have any updates as to where you are still getting your feed, if you're still keeping chickens? I'm at the west end of Spokane Co and I can't believe how hard it is to find stuff right now. My local go-to in Cheney shut down due to retirement and now I'm either stuck with Basin Feed or North 40, both of which are super expensive for feeds. We also have rabbits, so looking for a place that carries feed for both hasn't been easy. Any help would be great!

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