Other causes of wry neck?


Jun 3, 2018
Kansas City, MO
I bought an Isabella Brahma from a quality breeder I have known for a while now. She was a 3 month Pullet. About a week after we got her she could barely lift her head. I called we discussed what we feed and other variances. We settled that she wasn’t taking the free choice grit and that she may need extra vitamin E. So I bought pure vitamin e oil for her water and added black oil sunflower seeds to to her food. She seemed to be doing much better so we moved her with the other pullets. Same food and such. About a month ago I thought she broke her neck it was so twisted and motionless in a weird position. Luckily she is alive. But we brought her into the house and and given plenty of supplements with no real change. Thoughts? Other treatments?

Do you know if she's only picking the 'goodies' from her feed to eat? My problem with a feed like this is that the bird can pick and choose which parts to eat.

I'm not sure what effect that would have on wry neck, but it's a thought.
Wry neck is a neurolofical symptom. The cause can be a thiamin (B1) or vitamin E deficiency, a head injury, genetics, or some diseases, such as Mareks, and several others. At her age I would be concerned about Mareks. I would switch her to a flock raiser feed that is uniform and she cannot pick out the parts she wants. Give 400IU of vitamin E daily, along with some chick vitamins or human B complex 1/4 tablet daily crushed or grated onto some egg which has selenium. She may need help eating enough, so I would mix a mash of wet chicken feed (flock raiser) a lot of water, and some cooked egg. Feed her 3-4 times a day and five extra water. Let us know if you see any other symptoms. Here is a food article about Mareks, and I hope that it has nothing do do with her wry neck:
That video was taken a few days ago. I just got home from work and she has passed. I still don't know for sure what the issue was but I was so hopeful she would pull through.

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