Our English Orps

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The pullet's mom is from some eggs I bought on an EGGBID auction last spring. And then the BUS. That is why the legs are jet black skin. The Akers Orp fluff for the skirt. I think there maybe another that looks like her growing up in the brooder room. It takes forever to get out of my brooder room. lolololol
Oh that cockerel on the left is a hunk of hunky buffness.
Too bad you can't slip him in the mail for me............well, good thing cause I have no girlfriends for him.

Honestly I really like them all. Please post more pictures as they grow.

WHAT - road trip - air trip - ok hate to shoe horn my way in here ladies (drags suitcase from under the bed) but if you have room for another bag...........I think I might be able to squeeze into my suitcase if someone will sit on the top before zipping.
I just request that we stop by Joy's place first, if she does not mind (if she does, we'll just get close and bring a telescope
) I would love to gaze at all her chickens fluffy goodness.

One of each type and unfertile roos at that, would have been my luck
So glad you have Clem and Winston. (plus all the chicks
The pullet's mom is from some eggs I bought on an EGGBID auction last spring. And then the BUS. That is why the legs are jet black skin. The Akers Orp fluff for the skirt. I think there maybe another that looks like her growing up in the brooder room. It takes forever to get out of my brooder room. lolololol

Excuse me, where is my invite to go to Ireland?????

Pack a bag!! Would love company and I'm sure Paula would yak my ears off! LOL

Now that would have been my luck to get one of each breed!!!!

Road Trip!!! Joy, pack a bag, you're coming with us!
Oh, and Sandy, it's Joy who would talk your ear off. That girl can talk!
lol Oh, and Genny, the more the merrier. Pack your bag girl! hahaha
Well, the little chick is all dried out and is a beautiful fat blue baby. I will take pictures after supper and post.

Ireland...I've always wanted to go, my family is Irish on both sides and it is my dream to go to Ireland before I die. I can't think of a better way to go than with a bunch of chicken gals !!! I do think we should take Joe up on his offer of whisking us there via UFO...much quicker and I would bet less security than airlines these days

As far as this statement from Paula:
Oh, and Sandy, it's Joy who would talk your ear off. That girl can talk!
. all I have to say is
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. all I have to say is

Joy, you know I love our conversations. Now, Zoe, on the other hand..........lol

I've always wanted to go to Ireland myself. And you're right, it would be a blast with a bunch of chicken gals! Oh, and Joe, the UFO idea--
My eggs didn't arrive today :(hopefully tomorrow am!

My Broody is a glw. Beatrice has always been a cranky girl. NOW she is super cranky and she's only on ceramic eggs!
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