over 150 chicks in my "sewing" room __UPDATE PICS__

Ok, got the 110 today so here's pics of my madness.....

110 in the playpen brooder


36 in the water trough brooder

8 in the 30x30 cage

and 23 in the plastic brooder

the 36 were day old monday. the 110 are day olds today. the 23 were day olds last sunday. The 8 are all older - probably about two to three weks old.

I also have 40 eggs in one bator, 10 ducks eggs in another bator, and 4 duck eggs int he hatcher.

stop me, someone, please.....

eta - as soon as I can get out there and clean the lower coop - they're all going into a nice warm 8x8 chicken coop (or at least some of them are) so I don't have to cramp them inside the house.
Supposed to be 74 degrees here today - I should be able to get it done.

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Using mine and Pumpkinpups tried and true "Chicken Math"

If you have 150 chicks, you only have 18 3/4 chickens

You have to remember 8 chicks = 1 Grown LF Chicken

Eggs = Zero cause you can't count your chickens before they hatch!


See, doesn't seem so bad now......
I have closer to 170 chicks, I think - but it still works out ok.

Most of the 110 are white rocks, i think, only 9 RIR and 20 Black Australorps.

I can't tell the dif between white rock and cornish cross at this age - but these are smaller than the cornish cross I got monday, so I'm thinking white rocks.

the 110 are the "heavy breed mix" which means "leftovers that we didnt' sell". The rir are all roos, I believe, not sure on the others - but I'm sure it's heavy with roos. I hope I have SOME pullets out of it.
Most of those are all going to auction, but still, I don't want to have to unload a ton of roos - looks like my freezer will be full this summer

White rocks aren't a bad size for freezer camp, I guess.
I'm just glad they weren't all RIR - I don't really care for red chickens.

I need another one too - can't wait for yard sales to pick up around here. I got this one for 4 bucks last year (just for chicks) and I love it!! It works great for a few older chicks, too - more room for them in it.

I need another one to put more chicks into

I just took hardware cloth and molded it over the top (pull it up to open it) and rest the lamp right on the hardware cloth - no hanging of the lamp (or those worthless clamps) required.
That is sooooo cool!!! I have a pack n play upstairs that I've kept around. My kiddos are waaay to big for it anymore, I see some possibilities.
This means more room for chickens!!!!!!


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