OWL ATTACK! Need advice NOW please!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 29, 2011
Ok so last night one of my ducks were attacked by an OWL! D:
We got there just in time she wasn't killed but now I fear that she might die of shock): She won't eat, and she's usually the loudest quacker of the bunch and she just walks around quietly and we think one of her wings are hurt.

Anyone have any ideas on what to do in this situation?
My rouen hen went in shock from being water logged and wouldnt even stand up. I put her in a cage with some peas and water with sugar. Maybe giving her a warm batb it the house with peas would perk her up
Sure it was an owl? Be sure to check her over well. Are your ducks locked up during the evening? Advice, perhaps watch your animals a bit more now, if they are free ranging. I dunno. Its hard hawks are also moving about, they are all hungry this time of year.
I do agree, however it can be costly visiting a vet. Most people here have dealt with emergencies. Its okay to ask, do you have a picture of the injury?
Best advice? If you need it NOW! Get off the internet and call a vet. The internet is no place for emergencies.

Really?..... BYC has some very good advice. People here have good advice as well. There is also a forum just for emerencies!​
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You might post this under "Emergencies / Injuries / Diseases & Cures" in the first section of the Index. A lot of people on there are very helpful. Good luck.
Not trying to cause any trouble or anything but, when my duck was having troubles and I posted.it there... I got nothing that helped. But when it was put here actually got a few responses that were useful... Not that the others werent, its just the others were from chicken people. And didnt know what to do for ducks...
Get her into a safe place where she can be kept warm. then try to offer her some sugar water like Duck Girl mentioned, when she starts coming out of shock offer her some little green peas warmed in warm water or mashed up in warm water, you need to check her over real good for any serious injuries. Ducks are tough and can come back from some pretty tough injuries. putting her in the bath tub in warm water would be one way to see how bad her injuries are. And remember the owl will be back, please secure your ducks. Sure hope she pulls through and please let us know how she is.

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