Oyster shells

Did he actually say them? There shouldn't be anything poisonous in the oyster shells, just the dust is dangerous. He probably can't open his eyes because he has dust and little bits of the shells in them, which would be painful. He also might have unless a lot of the dust and particles. I can't really think of anything to do, maybe just let him get the stuff you of his lungs and eyes, and hopefully he won't develop any lung problems... I hope he gets better!
Oh, sorry, I meant to say did he actually eat them, and that he might have installed a lot of the dust and particles. Sorry... Auto correct!
Thank you very much. My mom didnt know wat they were she put a pan out under table. Fleas have gotten bad and she thought it would help but thank u for replyin
I was coming here to ask the same question. My 10 month old black lab mix puppy ate some oyster shell today. She seems fine, just wondering if I should be concerned.
eating them isn't likely to cause a problem unless the dog ate a large enough quantity to cause an impaction.
However, the OPs dog needs a vet check. Scratches on the eye ball are a possibility. The shells can also scratch and damage nasal passages.

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