Partridge Rock Thread

I don't have any great pics to show but I do have some. The are the partridge I got from Dick Horstman Last spring. They are nearing POL. I have some SPPR from him too. They look like they will lay first but we will see.

I am going to have to work on color on these pullets. I didn't get pics of the Cockerel, not impressed with him yet but we will see. He is the best I had. I do have some project roos I can use if needed.

I don't think she is that GOLD looking in person.

Wow that is alot of yellow in their necks. Surprised to see the point neck feather too. None of my hens have them and I weeded out any with any yellow in them long ago. Are their feet real yellow or are they more white? I know photos can mess with colors. I do like the width on some of those tails, still working on that one.

I had one of my buyers come by the other day. They mentioned that their chickens from me were not as dark as mine. Got me thinking. I am betting that if the person feeds Purina that might be the reason. I do not and never have here. My do free range all day though and we do make are own feed sometimes not all the time. I feed my chicks co-op gamebird starter. It is a bit higher priced but I like what I see in growth.
Free ranging makes a big difference in leg color. I don't free range or feed corn so the legs are not as yellow looking, plus the pic is not good. No one has YELLOW. That is just the camera looking that way. These came from Dick Horstman so they are as good as on can get. I didn't get them to breed Partridge anyway. They were originally for a project. I do like them well enough I will keep a line of Partridge too. This is my first year with them, they are not laying yet and I know a little how to work with color issues. TYPE is the big issue first so not culling for minor things like a little too gold in the hackles YET. Next generation I might can do that..... TYPE first.

I feed 22% layer feed pork based. Best feed I have ever seen.
Free ranging makes a big difference in leg color. I don't free range or feed corn so the legs are not as yellow looking, plus the pic is not good. No one has YELLOW. That is just the camera looking that way. These came from Dick Horstman so they are as good as on can get. I didn't get them to breed Partridge anyway. They were originally for a project. I do like them well enough I will keep a line of Partridge too. This is my first year with them, they are not laying yet and I know a little how to work with color issues. TYPE is the big issue first so not culling for minor things like a little too gold in the hackles YET. Next generation I might can do that..... TYPE first.

I feed 22% layer feed pork based. Best feed I have ever seen.

Yellow legged breeds will lose yellow through the laying cycle. It goes into making the yellow yolk.
Yeah that too. Most of my breeds don't look like they have yellow legs. I wish I could supplement something to improve the leg color but when I sell them and they FREE RANGE they are NEON YELLOW. I don't worry about it too much I KNOW they are yellow.
Yeah that too. Most of my breeds don't look like they have yellow legs. I wish I could supplement something to improve the leg color but when I sell them and they FREE RANGE they are NEON YELLOW. I don't worry about it too much I KNOW they are yellow.

Yes, I have that problem too since I feed them non soy non corn GMO Free feed.

Marigold extract is supposed to help with yellow.
Maybe I will just grow some marigolds this year. Dandelions work too I think. I have a 3 and 5 year old and 3, 5, 7 year old grand daughters .... they might need to start PICKING some for the chickens. I have a few acres they can work through.
Maybe I will just grow some marigolds this year. Dandelions work too I think. I have a 3 and 5 year old and 3, 5, 7 year old grand daughters .... they might need to start PICKING some for the chickens. I have a few acres they can work through.

Both are very good for them. I think Dandelions or Marigold gives them calcium.
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My new chick! Is this chicken a Partridge Rock?

Also, has anyone seen aggressive few days old Partridge Rock chicks? This one seems to be picking on my RIR chick quite often.

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