Partridge Rock Thread

I have the same question as ke5hde - I have a pair that was given to me last week. The person was not able to keep the male (lives in town), and offered me the pair, stating they were Barnevelders. They had been shipped to her by someone in MD the first week of August, so they are about 4 months of age. The Barnevelder folks say unequivocally they are not Barnevelders, and someone suggested they may be Partridge Rocks, so here are their pictures.

They are PR's just not very good representatives of the breed/variety probly some hatchery's rendition of them, IMO and probly good brown egg layers at least.

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They are PR's just not very good representatives of the breed/variety probly some hatchery's rendition of them, IMO and probly good brown egg layers at least.


Thanks Jeff, that's kind of what I thought. The pullet seems pretty small but if she settles down and lays well I'll leave them with the layer flock. The male is very gentle so far, so I'll leave him there as well.
So how is everyone doing this winter so far? We have had real cold temps here for longer times than in the past. Birds are taking a hit. We had to put one down do to something the roosters saw and picked on her. I have another I am watching that I hear breathing. Will be adjusting bedding to make it warmer and deeper.

We did butcher some 8 months old roosters that I was not keeping they come out good for weight. I got rid of some wing problems with them. Weights on them are listed on their blog.

My top rooster are doing real good and we have eggs in the bator. Not my idea but BIL who knows nothing of chickens. He will learn that males are not doing job with temps this cold. My pick females are really looking good and we are setting up their breeding pens next month. They are my fix for the pinched tail problem and I hope I will not see it come back.

Our broody broke but that is not surprising do to temps here. Will be glad when we get back to normal winter temps this 20 and teens is just hard on me, bones just do not like it. :)
We are dealing with an unusual cold spell here also. Haven't lost any birds to the cold but I'm losing skin on frozen door latches and pen wire when I forget and touch it. It' taking forever to do my morning water chores. Seems as soon as I'm done it is time to start over!

I only have a few hatchery PRs but I believe one of them has taken to laying since I turned the heat lamp on in the coop trying to prevent the water from freezing, it did help some. They are able to break through the ice most mornings we are in the teens, it is frozen solid on single digit mornings.

Good luck with your breeding pens this year. I ordered mine on a fluke but I so enjoy the color and pattern on mine. They rank up there with my BSLs for laying so that was an unexpected bonus.
No one else has Partridge Rocks they want to show off??
I hope to soon have some!!! I ordered some partridge rocks and Let me say, I am sooooo excited to get them!!!
I don't have any great pics to show but I do have some. The are the partridge I got from Dick Horstman Last spring. They are nearing POL. I have some SPPR from him too. They look like they will lay first but we will see.

I am going to have to work on color on these pullets. I didn't get pics of the Cockerel, not impressed with him yet but we will see. He is the best I had. I do have some project roos I can use if needed.

I don't think she is that GOLD looking in person.


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