It's always a good idea not to attract attention. I don't know what the law is in Holland but in Germany you are allowed to butcher your own... at least at this point. You just can't pass the meat on to familiy

It's highly illegal in Holland.

There are 2-3 places though in the Netherlands that for 5 dollar/euro legally butcher 1 or more chickens from people that keep chickens as hobby and not for a meat-business; but you need offcourse all the required vaccines signed by a vet and such (but you should allways get them all their vaccines anyway) and they need to be ringed (have a ring on their foot, you can only get when you have a membership in a official fowl association). Not ducks though; unfortunately for me. None has it's official licence for butchering ducks. It's so little because these (chicken) butchers do it out of "eat-local ideoligy" and make little profit. Kindness of their heart and environment.

So we do it secretly. Everyone does offcourse. Being allowed to slaughter your own animals at home is a human right/basic skills in my mind. I understand slaughtering a cow in your appartment is unhygenic. But a chicken/duck/pheasent/pidgeon/hare in your yard..pff.. anyone should know how to do that. We are creating idiots that can not survive when supermarkets are gone.. :p

Just don't tell anyone not close/might be grossed out by it. Just do it in your shed so the neighbours don't see it. I tell people we eat our own ducks; just not who butchered them. None of their beeswax. We are adults only feeding ourselves with them. The eggs I give away often; but no to pregant people/people with small children/other people with a weak immune system. We don't have a vaccine for birdflue for ducks/they roam free so often muddy/poopy eggs.

How coll that you can still butcher yourself in Germany! But that rule; not allowed to give it to family.. might be seeming be going down the same boring path :'(
I’ve been here about 12 years now. No it was not me. I’m in Lower Austria about an hour from Vienna so no where near Hohenems.

My flock has had some respiratory problems. So my mom has sent me some vet rx which is actually all natural. I call it meds but it really is not. But really helps with respiratory stuff. I’ve had some chickens wheezing like they can hardly breath, watery bubbly eyes. And after some vet rx all better. And I can’t find it here. She also will pick up some other items I’ve needed from tractor supply. She just mails them in a box. I’ve never had a problem. She always send me boxes with american candy and stuff we can’t find here so she will just toss it in that box. So I guess that’s why customs doesn’t check. I can’t find a vet that is knowable about chickens here. I’ve been to 4 even one an hour away and still no help. They pretty much say cull. So I do my research and treat them myself.

Have you thought about joining your local fowl association? They are probably called something like östreicher kleintier verein or geflügel verein or hühner verein.. I know the German one; but they probably have them in Austria too. They often have local branches where members meet monthly; they can tell you where you can find a vet or medicine etc. They often also have a vet that comes over yearly to do all the vaccines at a meeting; etc.

Good luck.
So true!! They don't know how to grow their own food because nobody does anymore. The gardens have to be pretty... maybe even full of rocks and pebbles because we don't want to work. And butchering? No way!! Keeping animals.. ewww I don't know how often I have heard of young people that they don't eat meat with bone attached. I guess it reminds them too much that it is a dead animal after all.
I’ve been here about 12 years now. No it was not me. I’m in Lower Austria about an hour from Vienna so no where near Hohenems.

My flock has had some respiratory problems. So my mom has sent me some vet rx which is actually all natural. I call it meds but it really is not. But really helps with respiratory stuff. I’ve had some chickens wheezing like they can hardly breath, watery bubbly eyes. And after some vet rx all better. And I can’t find it here. She also will pick up some other items I’ve needed from tractor supply. She just mails them in a box. I’ve never had a problem. She always send me boxes with american candy and stuff we can’t find here so she will just toss it in that box. So I guess that’s why customs doesn’t check. I can’t find a vet that is knowable about chickens here. I’ve been to 4 even one an hour away and still no help. They pretty much say cull. So I do my research and treat them myself.

I have a chicken savvy vet. And she said when the chickens have a cold to basically treat them like humans. Vapo Rub on their perch... thyme tea... anything natural. In addition to the acv in their water I also give them garlic and ginger (which I soak in the acv). There have been no worms or any other problems. And garlic and ginger is a good natural antibiotic and immune boost.

What exactly is in the vet rx?
It's highly illegal in Holland.

There are 2-3 places though in the Netherlands that for 5 dollar/euro legally butcher 1 or more chickens from people that keep chickens as hobby and not for a meat-business; but you need offcourse all the required vaccines signed by a vet and such (but you should allways get them all their vaccines anyway) and they need to be ringed (have a ring on their foot, you can only get when you have a membership in a official fowl association). Not ducks though; unfortunately for me. None has it's official licence for butchering ducks. It's so little because these (chicken) butchers do it out of "eat-local ideoligy" and make little profit. Kindness of their heart and environment.

So we do it secretly. Everyone does offcourse. Being allowed to slaughter your own animals at home is a human right/basic skills in my mind. I understand slaughtering a cow in your appartment is unhygenic. But a chicken/duck/pheasent/pidgeon/hare in your yard..pff.. anyone should know how to do that. We are creating idiots that can not survive when supermarkets are gone.. :p

Just don't tell anyone not close/might be grossed out by it. Just do it in your shed so the neighbours don't see it. I tell people we eat our own ducks; just not who butchered them. None of their beeswax. We are adults only feeding ourselves with them. The eggs I give away often; but no to pregant people/people with small children/other people with a weak immune system. We don't have a vaccine for birdflue for ducks/they roam free so often muddy/poopy eggs.

How coll that you can still butcher yourself in Germany! But that rule; not allowed to give it to family.. might be seeming be going down the same boring path :'(
It is not illegal to kill a few birds on your own property in the Netherlands they need to be sedated before the actual slaughter. Where did you find you can not?
It is not illegal to kill a few birds on your own property in the Netherlands they need to be sedated before the actual slaughter. Where did you find you can not?

sedated? drugged?

I would not eat drugged meat. our great/grandparents did not use any drugs and they were much healthier. slaughtering animals for food has always been a part of life.

(although I burried my first chickens:oops:)
sedated? drugged?
the law here for commercial operations is that any animal be stunned/unconscious before slaughter, but backyard keepers are left to their own devices I think.
I saw a TV show last week that featured a chicken plant in the Netherlands (which apparently supplies about 25% of UK consumption!) where birds were gassed then electrocuted, on an industrial scale.
sedated? drugged?

I would not eat drugged meat. our great/grandparents did not use any drugs and they were much healthier. slaughtering animals for food has always been a part of life.

(although I burried my first chickens:oops:)
No no drugs. I also would not eat that. No they mean a blow to the head or a electical shock.
I for one refuse to be nannied. I'm very old style Canadian in that way.
Here in BW I can keep up to 49 Chickens or Turkeys without having to register them anywhere. (no mention of any other domestic fowl though, which is weird ) So if I'm not registered anywhere, or someone keeping 48 chickens, how will they even know what we are doing with them? Ok, some Germans are notorious tattletales, but if I keep it to myself and no one sees me doing it, it didn't happen.

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