Really? You don't have to register? I have to even if I just have one chicken! But that is Hesse! In Bavaria you have to register, they charge you like 3 cent per chicken. If your amount is less than 2,50 they don't charge you. I think I need to move!!! LOL

And don't worry... you are allowed to butcher your own. Just not sell it or pass it on outside your household. But... like you said... if nobody knows, it didn't happen. You just got to know who you're dealing with. That's all.
No no drugs. I also would not eat that. No they mean a blow to the head or a electical shock.

A blow to the head is also illigal nowadays. With an electric shock it is allowed in small numbers (which are not defined). BUT most local ordinances overrule that nowadays. And you will be fined anyway. My uncle lives very rural; where it is not illigal in local ordinances; but gets fined anyway (by my ex by coinsidence haha!) under "disturbing the peace" or how you call it in English. The same rule if you were to sunbathe topless in your yard. And he has to do it in his shed if he does not want those fines. But that man is stubborn as hell and keeps doing it in it's driveway "because he always has done it like that".
So I would suggest to always do it secretly. Also to keep the neighbours happy and to not complain. It is more and more frowned upon. Especially now rich city people buy more and more property in rural areas. And you can get fined. Trying to fight the fine or get on friendly terms with the neighbours again costs more then a chicken.
My birds are also not registerred,
A blow to the head is also illigal nowadays. With an electric shock it is allowed in small numbers (which are not defined). BUT most local ordinances overrule that nowadays. And you will be fined anyway. My uncle lives very rural; where it is not illigal in local ordinances; but gets fined anyway (by my ex by coinsidence haha!) under "disturbing the peace" or how you call it in English. The same rule if you were to sunbathe topless in your yard. And he has to do it in his shed if he does not want those fines. But that man is stubborn as hell and keeps doing it in it's driveway "because he always has done it like that".
So I would suggest to always do it secretly. Also to keep the neighbours happy and to not complain. It is more and more frowned upon. Especially now rich city people buy more and more property in rural areas. And you can get fined. Trying to fight the fine or get on friendly terms with the neighbours again costs more then a chicken.
Ok i really did my resurch and i could not find it is illegal. Where do you find this? And i've made place in the shed so none will see, i want my neighbours friendly.
I have a chicken savvy vet. And she said when the chickens have a cold to basically treat them like humans. Vapo Rub on their perch... thyme tea... anything natural. In addition to the acv in their water I also give them garlic and ginger (which I soak in the acv). There have been no worms or any other problems. And garlic and ginger is a good natural antibiotic and immune boost.

What exactly is in the vet rx?
I have a chicken savvy vet. And she said when the chickens have a cold to basically treat them like humans. Vapo Rub on their perch... thyme tea... anything natural. In addition to the acv in their water I also give them garlic and ginger (which I soak in the acv). There have been no worms or any other problems. And garlic and ginger is a good natural antibiotic and immune boost.

What exactly is in the vet rx?
Thanks for the helpful info. Yes I’ve used garlic and acv. But never thought to soak garlic in acv great idea!! And this vet rx smells like Vick vapor rub so I also didn’t think of that. I’ve attached some pictures of this vet rx I used


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I've also been looking at meat chickens, i'm still debatting wether i am going to start with meat chikckens or with dutch bantams, but i will be butchering. I've made room in the shed for the butchering so my nosy neighbors wont see.

I have Dutch, they are lovely but not much meat to butcher. And another con id they stop laying in winter.

Here in the Netherlands it is permitted to butcher you’re own chickens if you do it in a descent way. But I wouldn’t. I’m too chicken (softhearted) to kill a bird for meat. Only if I have a very sick chicken in pain, I wil kill her to stop the pain.

And registration is needed if you have over 250 chickens.
@BDutch Thats why i want Dutch and the roo's will be big enough for a quick stew or soup or the dogs wil love them:) did your pullets lay in winter? I've heard from almost every breed that they will stop exept hybrids

Everything i have grown for my own has tasted better i think this aplies to chicken too. I helped slaughter when i was 12 and started slaughtering when i was 14 untill 4 years ago so i think that part won't be a problem. ;)
Hey loopeend. Didn’t know Holland is another country as the Netherlands. Don’t know about ducks, but i am certain it is allowed to cull you’re own chickens for you’re own freezer.

Information NVWA:

I know the rules; Like I said before; you still have your local laws.
Not looking to participate in a "who is the best Dutch person and knows the rules the best -squabble" on here. Let's please have other countries a good impression of us.

My personal advice still is; do it in secret.
I know the rules; Like I said before; you still have your local laws.
Not looking to participate in a "who is the best Dutch person and knows the rules the best -squabble" on here. Let's please have other countries a good impression of us.

My personal advice still is; do it in secret.
I agree with you altogh it is legal( for me) most of my neighbours wil think i am murdering a pet if they could see. They can not i als do it in secret

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